[ENG] How to make personal Ethereum Wallet

in #stimcity6 years ago

How to make personal Ethereum Wallet?

Although there are several different ways to create an ethereum wallet, here you can create your new wallet quite simply with MyEtherWallet (web-application)

make MyEtherWallet

Browse in to the MyEtherWallet address: https://www.myetherwallet.com/

Create your password in the textbox and click the “Create New Wallet” button

After creating your wallet, download the Keystore File into your computer. Then click the “I understand. Continue” button!

Warning: Back up this file in a safe hardware, preferably in 2 or 3 different hardware devices. Do not lose this file. If you lose your Keystore file you can never access your wallet again.


Write down your private key, print it out or back it up in a safe device.

Do not share your private key with anyone or do not lose it.

Click the “Save Your Address” button below.


To log in your wallet, select the “Keystore / JSON File” option. Click the “SELECT WALLET FILE…” button on the right and upload your Keystore file.

After uploading the file, enter your password that you created at the very beginning. Click the “Unlock” button to access your wallet.

You just created your ethereum wallet!

In the “Your Address” section, there is your wallet address which starts with “0x”.

Preview Wallet Balance

Now you have your own wallet. To see your balance or transaction history, browse etherscan.io by adding your wallet address as following:

As you create your wallet just a minute ago, you don’t have any transaction history.

Lets review the transaction history of Polonix Exchange. https://etherscan.io/address/0x32be343b94f860124dc4fee278fdcbd38c102d88


Polonix Exchange have a high balance with a long transaction history.

You can also see your other token information if the token is based on the ethereum platform.

When you click the “Erc20 Token Txns” button you can see other token transactions.

There are several ERC-20 based tokens in this list.
You can participate in Airdrop events and ICOs with your ethereum wallet that you just created.

Translator : Jay


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