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RE: Just another day

in #stoptheharassment β€’ 4 years ago

Lol. Just look at the lame excuse your putting on. That's ridiculously dumb(I'm not sorry for using that word) . πŸ˜πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘

Your supposed friend attacks women on here and you did nothing about it. Lol. And You guys used the same account? Lol. Is anybody seeing what I'm seeing here? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Savetheturtle was really a pain in the ass.

I support @justineh for any step she wants to take on this case. This is f*cking interesting πŸ˜‚

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I'm his friend, not his dad.

Do you police everything every single one of your friends does or says? I highly doubt that.

That excuse and this one carries no waterπŸ’§. Seriously.. 😏😏

Anyways. Good luck to you guys.

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Ok, so now I'm suddenly responsible for everything my friends say or do. What next? If one of them misses a credit card payment, you want to see my accounts frozen?

Blah blah blah.



Posted using Partiko Android

So nice... and all I asked her was to prove her story.


share private messages is be "pieces of shit"

Not more than accusing people without proof.


Posted using Partiko Android