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RE: One Thousand and One Nights: Aladdin and the Magic Lamp: 38th Night

in #storylast year

Tonight's story had a perfect ending. The princess successfully deceived the magician with her beauty, and Aladdin regained the magic lamp, rescuing the princess.

Sometimes, being obsessed with physical attractiveness can become a stumbling block for men on their path to success. This is because excessive focus on looks and sex appeal can distract men, affecting their work and career development.

Being obsessed with physical attractiveness can lead men to emotional entanglements that prevent them from focusing on their career development. They may spend too much time and energy pursuing the favor of the opposite sex, neglecting their own career goals and development.

Moreover, being obsessed with physical attractiveness can also lead men to negative evaluations in the workplace. If a man spends too much time focusing on women's looks and pursuing the attention of the opposite sex, they may be seen as unprofessional or immature.

Although looks and attractiveness can be advantageous in certain situations, they should not be the main factors for a man's success. Men should focus on their talents and work hard, rather than relying solely on conquering beautiful women to achieve success.