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RE: The Missing Link, The Minnesota State Fair, and Midjourney

in #story2 years ago

Dang, 350 years! That is crazy! I guess that makes sense though if they came over here that long ago. I can't tell you the last time I have been to the fair. It is usually so hot and crowded. I used to love going through the exhibit buildings and getting all of the free keychains and stickers and stuff.


It'll be 350 years in 2033! That's crazy to think about. There are a zillion Williams in our lineage and one of them (along with one other brother) left England in the late 17th century. I think between the English church records and the Quaker records we've stumbled onto stateside, we're going to be able to piece together our entire genealogical paternal line. From what we've uncovered two Jewish brothers from Spain immigrated to Ireland to escape persecution and then eventually settled in England in the 1400's. That's how the Waltons ended up in England. We come from a long line of rebels, apparently.

Crowded it was! The pictures don't really show the extent of the humanity there yesterday but we were packed in like sardines.

That is really cool. My sister has done a bunch of the genological stuff with our family, but I have never really asked about it.

Nice! It's fun to learn about. It allows you to know yourself on a deeper level. I didn't really "get" that until I went through the process. So much of our personalities are driven by our DNA.

Very intersting!