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RE: A Donut-Fueled Hike on Thunder Mountain Trail (Among Other Things)

in #storylast year

You live in Sedona? I really didn't know that. So awesome. I've always heard that it is such a special place.
I love the name Sedonuts. I grew up calling donuts nee-naws 🤣🍩
Your photos make me want to experience the desert sometime in my life.


No, we just spend a month or two down here in the winter to escape Minnesota. Man, it's magical here. If you can make it here I highly suggest it. Nee naws! I grew up in Ohio and there were some regional names for certain things too.

I see. Well, that's still a great deal of time, I'm sure you both love and probably wouldn't mind living there. I'm sure I'll visit one day, not sure when that'll be.