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RE: Time Travel Isn’t for the Faint of Heart

in #story6 years ago

I love your bright view of our blockchain future and I hope it continues to come true. Sometimes it still seems unreal to earn (even little amounts) doing and sharing the things we love. I hope more and new and different types of this type of thing crops up.

I have been brainstorming with another steemit artist and we really want to make a new kind of thing, only I haven't the cyrpto knowledge, so I suppose if I ever pin down what 'it' is that we want to create, it'd be create to have that aid. Can you suggest the best way to get crypto-wise people interested in new ventures or would it be best to just post a general question to the Steemit univerise and see what comes back?


Just start working on the ventures. If you build it, they will come! And keep us in the loop!