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RE: Round Earth? Flat Earth? Introducing Crater Earth!

in #story2 years ago (edited)

I have absolutely entertained the * idea that we are in a very sophisticated virtual reality. In fact, I was almost convinced of it, and still consider it viable. I have also had vivid dreams of being in other times, as well having strong connections to the music and the culture of countries I've not yet visited, and music from times gone by while not feeling a connection at all to other places and cultures.

In this story I'm going to examine it from a more visceral and physical angle. That we are in fact here, and virtual reality is still in the future. I want to explain this existence in a way that pieces together myths and legends that have a commonality, and in a way that connects us much more fully to the universe itself :) If we are pieces of the sun, which is a magnificent being of light that has not reached its hatching, perhaps our much larger purpose is for all of our energy and creativity to feed this being, which is also us, to aid in its birth.

Really the concept came from philosophizing with my husband, about how everything comes from an egg. Even seeds could be seen as a type of egg :)

Thank you so much Eric, I really appreciate your time! <3


You're very welcome, my friend! Best of luck in creating this next piece of is so incredibly fun.