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RE: The Missing Link, The Minnesota State Fair, and Midjourney

in #story2 years ago

That looks like a good time! I don't suppose they were selling street corn? I've been wanting to try it ever since that adorable little boy on TikTok talked it way up! We'll be heading to NY State fair next Sunday, my son is competing in the big arm wrestling event there :) Maybe I'll find some of that delicious corn there 😆


It was fun! I'm pretty sure you can find that corn there. I like regular old sweet corn with butter though. That's my jam. : ) I hope your son does well and you all enjoy your fair!

You really can't go wrong with regular old sweet corn, it's one of my favorite foods- especially from the Amish, I could almost eat it raw, and I definitely don't need the butter yum!
But I feel I must try the street corn once in my life XD

It's one of my favorite things too! You'll love the street corn. We have a huge Mexican community here in St. Paul and you can find it everywhere. It's practically a meal with all of the toppings.