week of love stories :A girl's incomplete love story......

in #story6 years ago

This is my friends story here we go....

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Delhi......! as much as fast this city runs, life goes slowly here. Looking at these people, it seems like these are waiting for someone to come in between them. But I was not waiting for someone to come in life, but wanted to enter into someone's life.

Now my mind was not confused,I was just waiting to meet him. If there was a little confusion between us, he was not so strong that he could stop me, I felt that I would say to the world that I was in love with him. And I'm going to express him tomorrow.

But how to tell him? I wish I had a little sister or friend! so that i can share my secrets with them. I made my mind to tell mother. But my confusion grew more! When I thought they wouldn't leave me out of the house.

Anyway, I knew that parents dont have faith in these things so they are not going listen to me. We came from the village and started to live in the city! And dad is also a service man on a high post. But his thought are still like a traditional villagers. Thats why I was scared but what can I do!To Whom should I share my love story?

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But I can't even forget him. Because I like him so much. Leave it! I came to my room with this confused mind.I started listening to music and dancing in my room . It had been a while. Only in a little while the voice came from the other room -" don't you want to sleep today? Its 11:00pm ! Dont you have college tommorrow?"

But I decided not to stop today. I was so happy that cant describe my feelings in words. I said to mother: "yes, mother I will sleep soon" .

I was still dancing, suddently drops of water strucked to my face and I didn't know what I was looking for. I went to the window and started playing with that water drops. And started throwing them down on my face

I don't know what came in my mind? I closed the window and took my diary where use to I wrote about myself. Even today, I am writing about his love story. But what was written today was coming directly from my heart. It seems like I am talking about my mind from the diary. -

The first time I saw someone talking from the eyes. I went to him and before I say something station master caught him and took him somewhere.In the next day.I was happy to see him again on platform. Maybe I was waiting for him. Well now things started with the eyes started with gestures.

His gestures were very strange! " I did not understand, but a that was bringing smile on my face , He was doing many things to bring smile on my face. And one day he crossed the limits. He began to sing loudly by looking at me.

Before I talked to him, the station master caught him and took him with him. That day was a lot of laughter. Maybe I was still loving his same childhood and madness .Looking at him I felt like I was finished waiting for years.

Now life took a speed. The days went so fast, we came to the station every day, and he never tried to come to his destinations, or I would never dare to go after him

Sometimes, I wanted to run after him and let him talk about how much I love him... And was feeling like to go on the journey with him where he goes, but my legs never allowed me to do that. I was waiting for tomorrow. That day was very special for me,It was
Valentine's day.

If I could not tell her about my heart today, I cant do it after so I dont wanted to miss a chance, then suddently the clocks voice brought my attention out of the diary which was pointing to me that it was just few seconds remained for a Valentine's day.

My eyes went on the clock! It's 12:00 in the night. Today the day came to which I was eagerly waiting, I did not sleep in the whole night so early to meet him.
Waking up early in the morning all work was ready. I didn't even did breakfast today,i just wanted to meet him

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Today I reached the platform before the time and waiting on a bench in there. But he didn't come even after waiting for a long time. I was restless today, even the train had gone out, but I had no idea that there was a strange thought inside me. "I don't know what happened, why didn't you come"

After waiting for a long time, I had to cry in the inside, to tell the truth that I was sad. I was doing my mind that I should give my life today. But why didn't I die to meet him who was a tear in my eyes and there was a bench waiting for her to come.....!
This story my story.............!