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RE: The Missing Link, The Minnesota State Fair, and Midjourney

in #story2 years ago

It can be a lot of fun (or like hell) depending on the weather. Lol. Imagine hundreds of thousands of people crammed shoulder to shoulder during the hottest and most humid time of the year. It's much better if the temperatures are cooler or if there's a little cloud cover. We went back yesterday for a few more hours. Thankfully we didn't get rained on too much that first visit. We had severe thunderstorms and tornado warnings that evening though.

It's literally taken us decades to gather this much information on our family. Thankfully we live in the age of the internet or it would have probably taken lifetimes.

Sort: got beaten by the rain the first visit. So sorry about that. You must have found a cover around there. Yes, it's much better when the weather is makes the whole experience more enjoyable. Glad you still went back there...says a lot about how much you are enjoying it.

Thank God for the doubt... It would have taken a lifetime and more stress to gather that much. The big reunion awaits...😍😍😍