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RE: A Donut-Fueled Hike on Thunder Mountain Trail (Among Other Things)

in #storylast year

We have limited counter space at home so we've always been hesitant to get an air fryer because the toaster oven just seems so much more versatile but we make have to make room. I really like perch, I bet that was delicious. This haddock we made was wild-caught/frozen from Whole Foods and, unfortunately, was brined (even though it didn't say that on the label). It still ended up being good. I never thought of roasting radishes! I love them fresh so I might try that. Roasting Brussels sprouts make them taste 10x better than any other cooking method.


I totally agree with you on the brussels sprouts thing. We actually upgraded from our original air fryer to one that is a regular oven, an air fryer, a toster oven, a broiler and a bunc of other stuff. I wouldnt recommend rhe one we bought but Ninja makes one that might be good. Having multiple uses like that helps justify it.

I had no idea they had the all-in-one appliances. We'll definitely be reading up on that!

It would be so nice to give it a trial and have a lovely taste of it.