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RE: 2024: The Beginning of the End of the Mobile Phone?

in #story5 months ago

I can't wait to try it out. I hope there's a way I can use the R1 as my mobile phone for a few weeks to really get a feel for what it would be like to shed the iPhone.

Thank you, Lizelle! I'm glad I stuck with it. I got so frustrated at a few points I nearly quit but when I got to that point I took a break for the day and that seemed to help. The site is almost exactly what I hoped it would be now. Yes, I had to include my little buddy. Hard to believe it'll be a year since he's been gone on the 19th of this month. We miss him so much. I hope you enjoy your weekend. It's getting into the double digits below zero (F) here. My least favorite time of the year.


It will be interesting to see how that pans out, my phone is almost like a baby's dummy, I'd feel lost without it!
I have to update our little website again, it was quite a challenge for me, but the site builder my ISP offers, is quite user friendly.
Have a wonderful Sunday Eric, time for comfort food. We're sweltering here, it's really awful!
I'm having my hernia fixed this week, not looking forward to it.

I'm the same way, Lizelle. As wonderful as the peace and quiet would be without a phone it's hard to imagine a world without some version of it. They're just so useful. Traveling, especially, is 100x better with a smart phone.

I'm glad your site builder is user friendly! That makes a huge difference. Squarespace is decent too but they changed how their site builder works since I dabbled the last time so it was like relearning all over again.

I hope you enjoyed your weekend. We're double digits below zero now at 10am but it will be warming up into the 40's in a week. I kept myself warm with a delicious chicken pot pie yesterday and a nice glass of red wine.

Good luck on your hernia repair! I wish you a speedy recovery my friend. Take care of yourself and have a wonderful week.

I really don't know how we managed without cell phones. I still remember laughing the first time we saw someone sporting their 'bricks' thinking how stupid it was, can you just imagine? Next, we'll be saying the same about one of these new devices!

I remember how I rebelled against going from hand drafting to computer-aided drawings. I was not happy as I felt our 'personal stamp' would be lost, but how wrong was I with that as well ;)

It was the same with masks, we initially thought it stupid until the reality of Covid hit!

I cannot imagine how cold that must be! Our current UK guest has been here for nearly 3 weeks and has to go back home, so while we're complaining of the heat, he last night said he's loving it, not looking forward to going back home this weekend.
Chicken Pot Pie and a glass of wine are the best remedy for surviving that kind of extreme cold!

Thank you for the good wishes, I cannot wait to have it done now, it was still ok until the last two weeks. I think seeing to the bnb without staff on the public holidays days did not do it any good.

Keep warm Eric!

Sometimes it takes a huge shift in mindset to see things from a different perspective. This is how I feel about these AI devices. Our mindset blinds us to the potential. I think what I'll do with the Rabbit R1 is see if I can live with it and not the cell phone for a week and then write about the experience.

Oh, it's so brutally cold. The air hurts your face or any exposed skin. We are warming up in the next few days and 20 degrees will feel like summer in comparison.

You're welcome! You'll feel so accomplished once the new site is done. Thank you, stay cool! : )