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RE: Welcome to GrumpyOldFartland

in #story9 months ago

With all the chaos and nonsense in the world I can see how a person could get "prickly" after a while. I didn't notice much until I turned 50 but my tolerance for bad behavior isn't what it used to be. The world seems more "peopley" with each year.

Thinking back to some of the things we used to say as children, we'd be canceled in a minute these days.

Nature is the best thing by a long shot reset for our brains and improve our overall mood. I'm anticipating this societal shift that's coming soon as the wave of robotics and AI eliminate human jobs. I don't think it'll eliminate the need to work immediately but it will do so eventually. The best UBI-idea I've heard so far was from Sam Altman, each individual should own and profit from their own data. Revenue made from this would become our income. I can't see corporations like Google or Meta giving up their business model without a fight though.


For sure.


With rapid advancement comes instability in the transition and my concern for the world becomes a heavy load I need to unburden myself with. Daily trips to the dog park and enjoyment of regular spurts of nature sure help with that.

I can feel the uneasiness with AI and battle that by being on top of the developments from a consumer standpoint with my technical team at the digital marketing company. We learn, research and experiment regularly so that we can leverage the benefits for small businesses on our community.

My big worry is how blindly we are pumping our data into the databases of these megacorps and assuming the benefits (eg chatGPT being free etc) will continue to be free. The boards of directors and greedy shareholders who are in it for nothing but money are RUTHLESS and will not behave magnanimously. Just another use case for blockchain and monetizing the attention/content of the individual in a decentralized manner. I sure hope we are onto something here!

I find myself worrying a lot about it too. The governments just aren't moving fast enough to help cushion the aftershock of volume of job loss. It's going to be interesting, to say the least.

How do we get that greed under control?! Private equity is bloating the real estate markets in so many cities.

Blockchain is the best solution I've seen to retool society for this next phase of evolution. So many of our older tools, models, and ways of thinking will be rendered irrelevant in this next decade. I've always thought blockchain-based social media was way ahead of its time. We haven't even seen that "mainstream moment" yet but it's kind of inevitable.

It is inevitable but I believe it will either be quashed by the stakeholders in fiat looking to protect their stakes, or the transition will come through a painful and bloody revolution by people being marginalized and pitted against eachother by the powers that be.

Man this is straying into a whole new conversation from the original topic!