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RE: Folk Tales from Gascony: The Little Lady

in #story7 months ago

Hmmm! Short but interesting. This one reminds me of Belle, yesterday's tale. Seriously, I can't compare the young lady stepmother's wickedness with that of the marchioness, for her to kill her own child just because she doesn't want her stepdaughter around is the highest evil one could execute. Gosh! The thought of it is even disgusting. The young lady was a good person but she had to suffer because of her stepmother, however, the good Lord did not forsake for her good deeds or and was performing miracles for her. I am glad the child came back alive and she also got her arm back. I hope that on her return, her stepmother will be punished. I have learnt something from here too, it pays to be good! Good people are never forsaken.

Awww! Oliver looks so cute, it's a good thing he is getting close to you now and It's also good to see you having fun with the kids.