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RE: Finding The Strength To Take Those Final Few Steps

in #story7 years ago (edited)

I was rereading the book you sent me today at work. One Word at a Time. Finding Your Way as an Indie Author. You went over some of the dual aspects of corporate life VS writing in there as well. For me I think my biggest hurdle is that I've gotten so used to writing blog pieces on here about random daily events that I've stopped writing fiction as much. When I do write a new fiction piece it doesn't seem to do as well as a piece about..... say a new bag of chips that I tried out..... and that's a little bit frustrating you know. I'm glad to see you working on the Hardfork Film series. I'll be keeping my eye open.


Hi, @jeezzle - Yes, it's been a long transition for me. It's proved to be so much more difficult than it seems but now feels like the right time. It's not easy to anticipate what the readers will like but I still think there's room for fiction. There are formatting things that you can do to increase your odds of success. I'd be happy to share some of that if you'd like. Drop me an email at any time with questions, [email protected]. Thanks for stopping by.