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RE: One Thousand and One Nights: Aladdin and the Magic Lamp: 38th Night

in #story β€’ last year

And the princess, contrary to her habits, rose in his honor and invited him, with a smile, to sit down beside her on the divan

This should have raised an alarm for the Maghrebi but I guess the beauty and charm of the princess is stronger! πŸ˜… He's totally smitten with the beautiful woman so it was easy to trap him with the soporific drink. I'm surprised at how fast it worked! As soon as the socercer gulped it, he felt down. πŸ€” I'm not sure how realistic that is. I've not seen a poison that works that fast unless its injected intravenously, which in this case it wasn't.

At last, the Maghrebi has been defeated and the young couple back together again. I admire Aladdin's quick thinking and bravery in taking the lamp back from the magician. Using his wife's beauty and soporific drink to disarm the socercer is smart. These are the same ways great men in history have been disarmed and defeated. I guess it never gets old! πŸ˜…

It's good to see that the Sultan is excited about the return of his daughter. It goes to show how much he loves her. It's easy to get lost in the world of Aladdin and Princess Badrou'l-Boudour and root for them to triumph over their enemies. One thing is a mystery to me: did Aladdin return the palace to China with the Maghrebi in it? This chapter is exciting and feels like a climatic end of the tale. Thank you very much for sharing. 😊😊