Away from the attraction

in #story3 years ago

Being a young teen is always an interesting time. You have a plethora of emotions coursing through your veins at any given time, and you cannot forget about those emotions all of the time. The emotions start with the variety of uncertainty, and you are lost in the haze of that uncertainty.

This is how I felt around him. He had this energy about him, though it was hard to tell what it was because it was quieted down by his glasses. They would've been way too large of a force if they were pulled on people in the real world. On him, they just added to his coolness. He was generally aloof; you could never tell what he was thinking about. That was also who he was, the aloof boy with the glasses, the quiet one.

Whether it was because he could read people or because he was openly avoiding socializing, I didn't know. The only thing I knew was how I reacted to that aloofness. I found myself coloring in the similar areas of his face with my eyes as we made eye contact; just to take in the rest of the face, of course. I was addicted to this boy, that I was. It was either that or my new found crush on Ethan [tuition fee]. I found myself forgetting about that for now.

Ethan was so well built and had this charisma that could only be found through the best in the world. I had to admit I had a crush on him. I didn't know how I was going to tell him though. I'd just have to see.

Before I knew it, I was walking over to his desk.

"Hi Ethan," I said.

"Hey," he said.

He looked a tad pleased, but he was smiling so all was well, I thought. I mean, I was a decent girl.

"So, what's up," he asked.

"Not much. What about you?" I asked back.

"Oh, you know. Nothing." He scratched the back of his head in a motion I interpreted as fascination.

I didn't think anything of it. He'd always seemed very compassionate, so he'd do something, only I was predicting the wrong thing.

"Why don't you tell me what you wanted to talk about," he said.

"Oh, well..." I thought out loud. What did I want to say? "I wanted to ask if you had any plans for Friday night. Why don't we go out and do something?"

I immediately saw a look of relief on his face.

"That sounds great. Let me check my phone for some place we could go."

He pulled out his phone and began to search the internet for some time on it. I couldn't see to what, but it was probably the movie listings. Forgetting where I was, I turned to go back to my seat. I could feel a glare coming off of him, so I turned around.

"Sorry," I said.

"Okay," he said. "I found something. How about going to that new restaurant, Tasty Burgers?"

I thought it was cute how he looked so at ease despite the fact that he'd been extremely distant.

"Sure. I don't see why not. It shouldn't get too busy or anything."

"Okay. It will be a date then. You've been accepted," he said.

He smiled and I felt the butterflies beginning to spin around in my body.

"Yeah, just don't miss," I teased.

"Oh, of course." He laughed, his white teeth showing as he did.

I went back to my seat and I found my new seatmate actually looking at me with a smirk on his face. I became a little suspicious then.

"Hey," I said.


"What's up?"

"Oh, nothing. Just giving you massage. I saw you looking at him."

"What? Because he has a nice butt?"

He rolled his eyes.

"No, because he's been avoiding me ever since we came to school."

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know. Probably because of me. I shouldn't have started a conversation with him. He seemed annoyed with me," he said.

I saw a look of contrition in his face.

"It's fine. I think it's great that he's letting you in. We all need someone that does that," I said.

"But I don't want to get in the way of him and you..."

Just then, the bell rang and we packed up and went to class. After a few minutes of sitting at my desk, I realized something. I was on fire. It was as though my face was the epitome of heat and it wouldn't stop. I blushed for a few minutes until it eventually faded off. It was only the most embarrassing moment of my life.

After school, I saw him standing on the path outside. He was waiting, had been waiting. He was waiting for me. I hurried to his side, and he turned to look at me.

"Hey," I nudged.


"Ready to go?"


"Oh, then why didn't you call me?" I asked.

"I don't know," he shrugged. "I like surprising you in person."

"That's a very nice thing." I smiled.

"So, where to?"

"I don't know. How about the mall," I said.


We began to walk to the mall, he three steps ahead of me. I was not permitted to see the way he walked, so I contented myself with just staring ahead of him. That was enough for me. Nothing could stop me from hoping. But then something happened, and it could've stopped me.

There was a car here, there, and everywhere.

"Hold on!" he said.

He grabbed me and we ran around the traffic. Behind us, there was a huge crash and we stopped and turned around. There was a big car and a boy trapped behind the wheel. He was being taken away by the ambulance, being carried on a stretcher.
