Deceptive Cure

in #story2 years ago

Helen awoke, finding herself surrounded by a strange fog. She could see her hands, her feet, but everything else, including the ground was a warm shade of tan. Helen tried to escape, but only found herself propelled forward at a brisk pace, towards what seemed like a raging fire. Helen screamed and struggled, but found she couldn't stop walking. Helen's eyes were suddenly hit by something warm and furry. When she turned to the direction the thing was coming from, Helen screamed. Helen tripped and fell, hitting her head. Helen sat up, rubbing her head. Helen found herself back at the cabin, sitting on the bed. Helen looked at her hands, then hastily put them behind her back. It was a work night, and Helen had to get to work. Helen ran to the washroom, and looked at her flushed face in the mirror. The memory of that strange dream came back to her. She raced out of the washroom and looked at the clock — eight thirty. She had half an hour to get to work.

Just as Helen made it to the door, the doorbell rang. Helen opened the door.

"Good morning," said Helen's friend, who happened to be an exterminator.

"Sorry, I'm in a terrible hurry. I have to get to work," Helen said.

"Well, I do have bad news and good news," her friend said.

"All right, the bad news first," Helen said.

"Your 'half an hour' was wrong," her lady friend said.

Helen looked at the clock. It read nine thirty-nine.

Helen headed for the door, knowing she had almost an hour to get to work. Helen slammed the door closed as she stormed out of the house.

As Helen started up her car, the car alarm went off.

By the time Helen had made it to her office building, she was fifteen minutes late.

"Helen," said Helen's manager, standing in the lobby.

"Yes, sir?" Helen said.

"Half an hour," said the manager. "We've decided to let you go."

"Thank you very much," Helen said, as she quickly turned and ran down the hall.

Helen slammed open the door to the office, and looked at her desk. She quickly glanced at her computer and started her work, not looking up until her boss walked in.

"Helen," said Helen's boss. "I have some news."

"Yes, sir?" Helen said.

"It's a promotion," said the boss, "and you were deemed not good enough for."

"Thank you very much," Helen said.

As Helen walked out of the office, she heard her boss talking to the man sitting at Helen's desk.

"You were fired too?" he said.

"Yes," the man said.

Helen opened her apartment door, and quickly locked the door behind her. Helen went to the bathroom, and saw a dark, hairy creature squatting on the toilet.

"Awake, Helen?" the furry thing said.

"Yes," Helen said.

Helen tried her best to speak as loudly as possible. Helen really didn't want to shout.

"What happened to you at work?" the hairy thing asked.

"I got canned," Helen said. "I was ten minutes late."

"You're lucky I made it home on time," the hairy thing said. "Now, go fetch."

Helen closed the door, and went to fetch something. Helen emerged from the bedroom with Helen's boss, Helen's manager, Helen's office, and fifty-seven of Helen's co-workers sitting on the carpet. Helen threw them out of the apartment, slamming the door.

Helen sat down on the carpet, contentedly.

"You know, sweetie, it's the full moon tonight," Helen's hairy husband said.

"Great," Helen said.

"What's the difference?" Helen's husband said. "You've been bitten by that thing for a year. When are you going to leave for good?"

"I'd like to, soon, but I don't know how," Helen said.

"Stop the car," Helen's husband said.

Helen pulled the car over, and stayed silent. Helen could see her house from here.

"Do you want to leave?" Helen's husband asked.

"Yes, very much," Helen said.

"Well, we'll have to find a way," Helen's husband said. "We can't do this until you get rid of this monster."

"I really don't know how," Helen said.

Just then, Helen's mother ran down the front path, into the yard. She moved directly in front of the car, and threw open the hood.

"What in the blazes is she doing?" Helen's husband asked.

"I have an idea," Helen said.

Helen pulled the car forward, knocking Helen's mother to the ground. Helen's eyes widened as she saw her mother on the street. Helen could see Helen's mother moving, but not what she was doing. Helen sped up. Helen's mother was now a blur. Helen braked, and regained control of the car. Helen checked the rear view mirror. Helen's mother had become very clear. Helen drove back to where her mother had been, and found that Helen's mother was still there, lying on the ground. Helen carefully closed the hood of the car, and drove past her mother. Helen accelerated, and heard the engine of the car protest. Helen put the car in reverse, and backed up towards her mother. Helen stopped the car, and threw open the door. Helen's mother was now a right leg lying on the ground. Helen threw the leg into the backseat, and closed the door. Helen's husband was now breathing rapidly. Helen noticed as she started moving again that Helen's husband had a long, red scratch across the left side of his face. Helen started driving again and got off the residential street.

"Helen, what's going on?" Helen's husband asked.

"I found out," Helen said. "I'm a werewolf."

"We can't do anything about it until after the full moon," Helen's husband said.

"Yes, of course," Helen said. "I must be right."

Helen's husband was now breathing very hard and fast. Helen could feel Helen's husband's body heat rising. Helen's heart started beating rapidly. Helen's hairy husband started getting hotter and hotter. Helen's furry husband started panting. Helen's husband then started snarling, and something came out of his mouth. She stopped the car, not knowing what to do. She couldn't see anything, but she could feel the fur around her neck. Helen's husband screamed at the top of his lungs, and started breathing very hard and too fast. Helen felt Helen's husband's hand on her shoulder. Helen's sharp fingernails began dragging across the top of Helen's skin. Helen's husband started breathing very hard and fast. Helen's husband suddenly stopped screaming and breathing very hard and fast. Helen's husband fell asleep. Helen's husband started to cool off. Helen's husband's skin started to thicken. Helen's furry husband started closing. Helen's husband's body started to change into a wolf. Helen's husband's hands started becoming paws. He stopped breathing and started panting. Helen's husband looked up at Helen, his eyes no longer human. Helen started to faint.

"Helen" said Helen's husband. "We're late."

"Yes, but I had no choice," Helen said. "I'm a werewolf."

Helen's husband bent over, picked up a large rock, and threw it at Helen. Helen's husband started to change back into a human.

"You're turned," Helen said.

"Yes," Helen's husband said. "It was the only way to stop this mess. My family."

"Thank you," Helen said. "For being so brave."

"My life has been terrible," Helen's husband said. "I thought I had failed, but look at the big lug I married."

"I believe we may have a situation," Helen said.

"Oh, now don't tell me," Helen's husband said. "I saw it coming. Can't you just swear that you'll never be bitten by another werewolf?"

"I promise," Helen said.

"Look," said Helen's husband. "If it helps I may be able to help you."

"Yes, it will," Helen said.

Helen had gotten a brilliant idea. She would start a new life, with a new job, at a new company. Surely, no one would know what Helen had been at the old company.

"We are so late," Helen's husband said. "If we don't get to work on time we will be fired. Then what will you do?"

"I'll figure something out," Helen said. "Look at what you're doing for me. It makes me very happy."

After a short drive, Helen and her husband came to Helen's new office.

"No," Helen said. "How will I ever have a new life?"

"I know," Helen's husband said.

"Did you hear it too?" Helen asked.

"Yes," Helen's husband said. "This is the worst news ever."

Helen and her husband walked into the office building, looking for the security office.

"I'm just getting used to the idea of being married to a werewolf," Helen said. "If I'm a werewolf myself, it's going to feel very weird."

"Would it help if I told you that you're very beautiful as a wolf?" Helen's husband asked.

"Very much so," Helen said.

Helen and her husband turned the corner, and accidentally bumped into an employee.

"Look out!" she said. "Watch where you're going."

"Oh, my apologies," Helen's husband said. "Are you alright!?"

The employee was then knocked to the ground.

"Oh, a human," Helen said.

Helen and her husband left the scene.

Helen and her husband continued walking, until they came upon a new company. Helen recognized the name. She knew her husband couldn't lie to her.

"Miller," Helen said. "There's my old job. Why did I let them make me a werewolf."

"Helen," said Helen's husband.

"Yes?" Helen asked.

"They're testing a new product," Helen's husband said. "Park your car, and we should be able to sneak in."

Helen's car was parked right outside. Helen and her husband went inside.

"That's odd," Helen said. "They have a security guard."

"Let's talk to him," Helen's husband said. "I have a plan."

Helen's husband approached the security guard.

"Hello," Helen's husband said. "We need to get inside the building."

"You need a pass," the security guard said. "Don't you know that?"

"Yes," Helen's husband said. "But we have a special pass."

"A special pass," Helen's husband said. "Well, that's going to need to get straightened out."

"Yes," Helen said. "Of course, it does. It won't be long before the other security guards around here find out, and then everyone is going to know."

"Yes," Helen's husband said. "It's a little inconvenient."

The security guard walked away from Helen's husband.

"Listen," Helen's husband said. "I know that you're here for a new product. Am I correct about that?"

"Yes," the security guard said. "I'm here to see the new dog food product."

"Dog food product?" Helen asked.

"Yes, do you want some?" Helen's husband asked.

"What?" Helen said.

"No!" Helen's husband said.

"You want me to get you a sample?" Helen's husband asked.

"Yes!" he said.

"Wait here," Helen's husband said. "I'll be back with a sample in a few minutes."

Helen's husband went into the building.

"I don't know about this," Helen said. "This does not feel good."

"Don't worry," Helen's husband said. "I'll be right back."

"I'll just stay here," Helen said.

"Be right back!" Helen's husband said.

"No," Helen said. "Just hurry."

Helen and her husband waited for 15 minutes. Helen was tapping her foot. To make matters worse, her canine husband had been gone for 30 minutes, and he hadn't yet returned.

"This is not going well," Helen said. "How long was it before you were forced to change into a werewolf against your will?"

"I had a few minutes before the previous changes," Helen's husband said. "But it was not long. We do not have much time to wait."

"This is terrible," Helen said. "I'll just go in there and get a new sample. You stay here."

"No," Helen's husband said. "You promised."

"I also promised that I would change into a werewolf," Helen said. "That has not happened, but I will do so if I must."

"The witch was wrong," Helen's husband said. "I was supposed to drink this, not you. You were supposed to drink the cure. I will stay here for a few more minutes, and if you do not return, I will follow you."

"Please do," Helen said.

"I know what I did was stupid," Helen's husband said. "But it's just not fair."

"Neither is mine," Helen said. "But that does not matter. I'll just go in there, and get another sample, and I'll be back quickly."

"Wait for me, if you're not back in half an hour," Helen's husband said. "Or have them make you a new sample."

Helen walked into the building. The security guard was sitting at his desk.

"Sit down!" the security guard said.

"I'll just be a moment," Helen said. "You will see what I saw when I walked in here. We are in a very awkward situation. Please just give me a minute of your time. Also, please do not interrupt me."

Helen sat in the chair opposite from the security guard. The security guard had several boxes of various sizes, even a couple of full size dog food containers. Helen's husband went to the shelf and picked up several small, one-pound bags of dog food.

"We're leaving the area," Helen's husband said. "Please do not follow us."

"No problem," Helen's husband said. "I have to get everyone and everything out of the building. Within a day or so, everyone will know. I believe that it will be about a matter of days."

"Everyone?!" Helen said.

"Yes, probably," said Helen's husband. "Helen, this is your last chance."

"I know," Helen said. "I promise, it will be my last attempt to find out everything that happened."

"You know that you have no chance of survival," Helen's husband said. "I'm going to make you a full-time werewolf, unless you get rid of me out of the way.
