His last words

in #story3 years ago

You need a job, and get one at a local small town newspaper where you work nights, delivering the paper and taking messages,ect. Nobody really pays attention to you much or really cares that you are there.

One night you get a call that there is a man that needs a doctor because he fell off of a roof and landed on his head. You run out the door and on your route toss the paper and as you get to the end of the street you see a man outside his house, at the end of his rope struggling to get up.

You pull up to him and the man looks to you and waves his hand and smiles, stating:

"You are my savior, please help me up. I have waited for so long for this moment to see you coming and I am so content."

You help him up and take him to his Doctor and in your interactions with the doctor, the man says it is like he has been dead for a very long time, and has experienced the afterlife.

The Doctor asks him how the afterlife is like and the man answers, "It is very blue and peaceful, there is not much to it, it's you and a friend dining and talking about life and reading the newspaper if there is one."

The man then says that the friend is him.

The revelation is shocking to you but it wasn't shocking to the Doctor. He knew this all along.

He then asks about what happens after the two live out their lives.

"I have not been back after," says the man,

The Doctor then got a look in his eye and this story was to be his last.

He then writes in his journal:

'So I have died, as my story is to end in death. I don't have much time left, I found out. I have not much time left to live and write, my time is up.

As for the afterlife, who am I to doubt that it is real? I spent my life practicing for this moment, in fact I lived for it, I spent my life seeking balance and divinity that would intertwine with my faith so that I could give meaning at the end of my days.

The journey was long and fraught with many, many near death experiences, but I became a better person in the end, I was genuinely happy. Even in life, I never was a great student and had difficulties balancing work and school, but all things come to an end.

I do not know what happens when you die, I will find out soon. Maybe I will come back, I don't really believe in that, who knows.

Maybe I will find out that I am wrong about this all? Maybe I will come back to see what happens? Maybe I will find out my experience in death is much like what people imagine it isn't. That the same thing I felt in life happens in death. A stillness and quiet that I will experience in death. Perhaps I am a fool for not believing this?

All things come to an end, and now, my story comes to an end as well.

Goodbye, my friends.'

The Doctor then wrote his final piece before putting his pen down:

'Last words'.

Then died.

It was his last word.



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