My Luck

in #story3 years ago

''Incoming call from Mark. Accept, decline or ignore?'' the computer asked.

''I'm busy,'' you replied, trying to rearrange the floor display to ensure your customers selected the highest quality furniture for their homes.

Your wrist communicator beeped.

''Cali, please see me,'' your boss demanded.

You straightened your brown hair before heading down the hallway. With trembling hands you knocked on the door, which had your boss' name emblazoned on it.

Mark, the head of the furniture department, was sitting behind his desk when you entered. He smiled as you entered.

''Cali, I was not expecting to see you.''

''Got a new assignment, sir,'' you replied, hating his use of your first name, even though they were in a relationship.

''And what might that be, my dear?'' he smirked, his brown eyes twinkling.

''Mark, I have learned you have a son,'' you announced.

His eyes became serious. ''How did you discover this?''

''The head of the computer department said you have a son I should meet.''

His jaw dropped.

''You… you…'' he stuttered.

''What, Mark?'' you asked, raising your voice. ''If you wanted me to know, you should've said so.''

''It wasn't my intention to spoil your job,'' he muttered.

''You've made me look like a fool in front of my friends,'' you said. ''Why should I continue to work for you?''

''I… I fell in love with you…'' he started.

''You used me to prove your son wrong,'' you explained.

''No… not at all,'' he countered.

''Mark, look at me,'' you ordered.

He did.

You grabbed his hands. ''You don't want to say ''I love you'' because you don't mean it.''

''That's how you feel about me?'' he questioned.

''I want to believe in love, not this,'' you replied.

''Don't worry, I'm not asking you to marry me, Cali,'' he smiled, trying to sooth your hurt.

''Good, it's not about that,'' you shrugged. ''I just want to apply for another job. ''

He guffawed. ''What? Is this the way you're going to play?''

''I'm being realistic, Mark,'' you replied, folding your arms.

''Okay,'' he grumbled, to emphasize his words.

''Good,'' you agreed, leaving the office.

Your back was sore from sitting in one position, but the job application had to be done. You smiled, patting your body down; there was no sign of body odor. You dried your eyes and headed to the supply counter, a smile on your face.

''Cali, what are you doing here?'' Emily, a friendly female clerk, asked. She was a bit heavier than yourself, but you would never comment on it. Besides, you had a job to do.

''Morning, Emily. I'm applying for another job,'' you replied.

Emily raised her eyebrows. ''You and Mark had a fight?''

''Just a small dispute,'' you replied, running your fingers over the application.

''You need to work on your anger issues, Cali,'' Emily said, grinning.

''I do,'' you smiled. ''Cali, be careful with that,'' Emily said, as you were walking towards the door.

''Don't worry,'' you replied. ''I love my job.''

Emily's lips curved into a smile. ''Well, I hope you get the job.''

''Thanks, Emily. See you, tomorrow,'' you smiled, walking to the main aisle.

The main aisle was bustling as usual, you noted; there were noise from voices, the blaring of sound system for the music CD has already been chosen, money fell on the floor from shy customers and customers eyeing up furniture.

You stared at the display, finding match after match. How hard would it be to find a person to be with?

Suddenly, the sound system in the store was shut off. People froze and the alarm bells rang.

You rushed towards the sound. Horrified, you saw it was the emergency glass doors leading to the outside being opened.

You followed the crowd outside. It was all a bit chaotic but slowly, you could see a few trucks were on the track.

You managed to get on your feet.

Everything seemed a blur; you saw the toys you had sold, the carts, the customers looking at you aghast.

You could hear people shouting; then you felt yourself pushed violently over. You lay down on the cold, hard ground. You opened your eyes. You saw a tall figure standing over you. A lot of people had surrounded the person.

''Are they dead?'' an old woman asked.

''No, but they'll need medical attention,'' a man responded.

''You call the police?''

''I'm on it…''

You felt your wrist communicator vibrate. You tried to pick it up but your body wouldn't respond. The lights began to dissapear from your vision.

''Fatal injuries,'' a voice whispered.

You tried to grab a grip on something but your arm slipped to the grass. You furrowed your brow and felt yourself slipping away.

''I'm sorry, Cali. The job is yours. Just stay there. I'll leave the details with you,'' a familiar voice whispered softly in your ear.

''You've spoken to Mark?'' you mumbled.

''Oh, I'm sorry, Bond; you were supposed to stop him. The new job is yours.''

Suddenly, you saw it was the same man who had talked to you in the hospital that day. You had been in an accident; everything was a blur. You had remembered him looking at the computer when you had worked on the computer department.

''What job?'' you mumbled, gripping your head. There was a loud bang.

You saw an explosion; it was like you were inside the hollow universe.

''Wake up, bond,'' they said.

You shook your head. Was Bond a codename? You tried to look at your scar, but it was covered with bandage. Slowly, you looked around, noting the hospital walls.

Mark, where was he?

You tried to speak, but you couldn't; your mouth was dry and stiff.

Slowly, you opened your eyes. A woman dressed in navy blue stared at you.

Your arm itched something awful. You wanted to find out where you were, but you tried to remember what had happened.

Slowly, you opened your eyes. You were in a forest. You remembered running through the forest; you were scared of being misclassified as a member of the Rebel.


You heard a familiar voice. Slowly, you turned around, seeing the tall man that had helped you. You were in a hospital, and he was your doctor.

''Where am I?'' you looked around.

He smiled. ''Somewhere out of the city.''

You furrowed your brow. ''Okay,'' you whispered, shutting your eyes again.



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