The hidden side of Magic

in #story2 years ago

Alex lay fast asleep in his bed, thumb to his mouth, dreaming peacefully. The dog barked noisily as the door flew open and shut. A thrill went down the dog's spine, he sniffed the air, then started barking at the man sitting in the chair next to the bed. The man, Marty, looked on gruffly as he scratched the dog behind the ears. The dog lowered his ears, then fell asleep.

''Ah, you closed the door again, huh?'' Alex said from his bed.

Marty turned towards his grandson and laughed, ''What are you, a mind reader now?''

Alex just gave a mischievous grin and a wink.

''What do I tell Marty?'' the man asked.

Pinky saluted.

''I'll tell you what God told me," Alex said.

His grandfather leaned back in his chair, taking a long leisurely look at the boy. His arm hovered over the boy, but didn't quite touch him.

''Someday,'' said the grandfather, "someday you'll be what you were meant to be."

"I don't believe in God," the grandson said, pulling his thumb out of his mouth.

The grandfather drew closer to his grandson, his arm touching his shoulder.

''You don't need to believe in God to believe in yourself.''

The two were silent for a few moments before the grandfather said, ''You should get some sleep. Tomorrow's a big day.''

Alex agreed, closed his eyes and drifted back to sleep.

''Grandpa?'' Alex asked, looking out the living room window.

''What is it, my child?''

''W-Will you tell me the story?''

''Hmmm. Which story?''

Alex thought for a moment, then said, ''The story of the first time magic saved the world. And…why do you have to be so mean to me?''

Marty sighed and stared into his glass.

''I don't mean to be. You'll just have to understand; it's hard, that's all.''

He walked towards the kitchen and out of sight, but Alex could still hear him, ''It's because I care too much…''

''And why do you care so much?'' Alex asked.

Marty turned around, still looking into Alex's eyes, ''Because you're the most important thing in the world to me. Something terrible will happen to you. You'll be trampled by the mundane and cast out. But do not be afraid, because magic was always there, and magic always will be there, until the end of the world.''

''What will happen to you?'' Alex asked, beginning to cry.

''Listen to me, now. Listen and don't cry.''

Alex wiped his eyes as he looked at his grandfather.

''When the time is right, I'll take your hand. We'll stand together, and I'll tell you to reach deep into the heart of magic.''


''I know. Living feels so much stronger, doesn't it? This mundane world can feel so alive. And when you finally succumb to its hold, you'll return to the realm with me. You'll walk there for however many years and grow in strength with the land. When you are ready, when the time is right we'll find each other, and together we'll save the world.''

Marty looked down and reminded Alex of the unspoken plan before Alex nodded, understanding.

''Was it always a dream?'' Alex asked.

''Always. I hope you know that.''

Alex got up and hugged his grandfather. They stayed like that for a while. Then Alex turned around and returned to his room. Marty could hear the boy yawning as he closed his door. They had had this every night, before Alex fell asleep. It was their ritual.

Marty walked over to the window. Since the night they had talked, he had stayed up every night. He watched the stars and the moon, wondering if he was doing the right thing. But he knew it was all worth it. He looked down at his hand. His ring was gone. He looked at it on the table, put it on his finger and held it up. Then he looked down at Alex.

''Magic children are being taken,'' he whispered to the sleeping boy, ''save the world.''

Alex rolled over in his sleep.

And the man in the chair waited for Marty to wake up.

''Grandma?'' Alex asked as he walked into the kitchen.

''Yes, my child,'' she said.

''Can I see your ring?''

His grandmother's face grew confused as she considered his words.

''What ring?''

Alex walked over to the table, picked up a silver band and handed it to her.

''Your wedding ring, grandma.''

She looked closely at the band, and it slipped off her finger and fell to the ground.

''I…I don't know how it got there. It was in my jewelry box, locked. I'm sorry, honey.''

Alex picked up the ring and put it in his pocket.

''Do you think my ring is magic?'' he asked quietly.

She looked down at him and saw right through his lie, even though he wasn't looking at her.

''Alex? Where did you get this ring?''

He looked to the ground, not wanting to say anything, ''From the woods.''

The grandmother ran outside and started calling for her husband.

''No, don't go,'' Alex said, ''Grandpa gave me the magic.''

''Magic?'' His grandmother was confused.

"Look, I'll show you," Alex said as he looked away and waited.

The grandmother walked up to him and put her hand on his cheek.

''Can you see magic?'' he asked.

She looked into his eyes and said just loud enough for him to hear, ''Yes.''

She smiled and pulled him into a hug.

''You must take care of him.''

She stood over Alex in the hospital bed. The conversation had taken place earlier in the day, when his grandfather visited.

''I will, grandmother. But can you do something for me? If he has magic, you should come with him. You should come and live with him. You should come, because he'll need you.''

She shook her head, ''You must protect him. You are all he has.''

She bowed her head and turned away from the boy lying in the hospital bed. The boys eyes were glassy with tears.

''Grandpa, he has something to tell you. Something about the ring?''

Alex held up the ring, smiling.

''Yes, I had a dream. If a person has magical powers, what came to me was a message. One day, when the world is in danger, you must wrap your hand around his hand.''

Alex looked up at his grandfather.

''Then ask the power to flow into him. You should place his hand on your heart, and…''

''Just ask the magic to come out?'' Alex said.

''Be careful, and do not be ashamed if nothing comes of it.''

Alex agreed and stepped back as his grandfather walked over to his mother and took her hand in his. His grandmother watched as the two held onto each other, and as the doctors walked in.

''He has cancer,'' said the doctor, ''The tumors are large and taking over his body. By tomorrow, his heart and brain will fail. He does not have much time left.''

No one said anything for a few minutes.

''May I see my grandfather?''

The nurse looked up, ''Oh honey, the visitation room is a ways away. But the doctor said you should look after him.''

Alex picked up his grandfather's hand and walked out of the waiting room into the hallway. Then he sat down on the floor and rested his head against the wall.

''Grandpa, what will you do?''

Alex heard the child's voice from somewhere in the distance.

''You forget, you are my grandson. My sons are gone. I was left to fend for myself. And now that I am all you have, I have no choice but to watch over you.



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