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RE: Independence Day Getaway to the North Shore

in #story11 months ago

I was already surprised you hadn't posted!!! There is nothing better than spending a few days close to nature and with family. I loved the images and videos, especially the image of the Lupine flowers and the video of the moon. Over here the moon is already beautiful and bright, too bad I can't capture its splendor with my phone. It is also unbearably hot, but nearby is the sea that sometimes brings a breeze. I hope you keep sharing photos and videos with us. Hugs and take care.


Yes, I was traveling again. It feels weird to miss that many days of posting. I think tonight is the full moon. It was so bright last night we couldn’t see the stars. It’s nice and cool up here by Lake Superior but really hot back home in St. Paul. Thank you Nancy! I hope you have a wonderful week!