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RE: The Missing Link, The Minnesota State Fair, and Midjourney

in #story2 years ago

This (the first photo in the post) reminds me of my first Ferris wheel ride on 2021.12.21 in Szolnok, Hungary. Mostly pleasant memories. I had fears about it initially, but those fears quickly disappeared. While the Ferris wheel may look very fast from the outside, it feels very slow from the inside. I barely felt it moving. So I had plenty of time to watch the city from above. My video about it is still available on 3Speak (Threespeak): My first Ferris wheel ride in my life! - One ride on the Szolnok Eye in Hungary (video) (2021.12.21).


Yes, I remember your post about the Ferris wheel! I'm glad you tried it. We didn't ride any of the rides this time but might next week.