#STWT 250 Intro: The Multipolar New Cold War Rises with Rapture Reimagined

in #stwt10 months ago

#STWT 250 Intro: The Multipolar New Cold War Rises with Rapture Reimagined


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Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/8RyixaVQWKpa/

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@TitusFrost:4/stwt_250_intro:d

Rokfin: https://rokfin.com/post/143504/STWT-250-Intro-The-Multipolar-New-Cold-War-Rises-with-Rapture-Reimagined

This is the music video intro for #STWT 250. Welcome to the New Cold War 2.0 and the rise of the Multi Polar World Order. From the Nuclear weapons under the sea to the rods of god on satellites above we stand on the brink of global annihilation by puppets of the banksters whom serve the fallen ones. This is the true story of our world, a world in which Fallen Angels guide mankind to it's own destruction via warfare.

The Song is: "Rapture Rising (Reimagined) - A Bioshock Rap" by JT Music: https://on.soundcloud.com/e81im

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