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RE: Weekend Adventure - Wildflowers, Water and Dog Walking

in #sublimesundaylast year

Happy Sunday to you too! I'm glad to hear that your weekend has been good, despite the rainy weather. I know what you mean about not being able to go for walks when it's raining - it's just not the same as being outside in nature. I'm glad to hear that the park is being well-maintained and that you were able to enjoy your walk yesterday.

Your wildflower arrangement is beautiful! I love the way you've arranged the different flowers together. The blue flowers are especially striking. I'm impressed that you were able to pick them without getting pricked by the stems!


Yeah, I was really careful that was why I only chose the young ones because the spikes are still softer. Sometimes, it's fun to walk in the rain..but I had a weapon to combat the rain with my huge umbrella, hahaha. Thanks for dropping by.