Autumn/Fall colors and details

in #sublimesunday5 years ago (edited)

Autumn/Fall colors and details

I have shared some posts of the Autumn/Fall Colors of recent and have many more to share taken in this past week when I find time to edit them, but for this post, which is for Beautiful Sunday hosted by @ace108, and Sublime Sunday, created and hosted by @c0ff33a,, Rather than focusing on full trees or scenes as I have shared I am focusing more on smaller details, which I feel fall into both the beautiful as who doesn't love the colors of fall, and sublime to my mind.

All of these shots were taken on walks around the Mondo Pond and Beaverbrook trails here in Milford CT in the past week, and were unlike many of my photos single shots and not bracketed HDR images and hence I can edit them quicker (I still have photos from a couple of weeks ago yet to merge into HDR images)

Starting with some leaves where the light was shining just right on them for this shot

1 1 fall colors.jpg

Sony A7iii 52mm F5 1/80 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

Next up simply a fallen leaf, fallen but hanging in there

1 1 fall colors2.jpg

Sony A7iii 55mm F5.6 1/60 Sec ISO 2000
Click here to view larger

This reminded me of the saying,

Falling is not Failing but failing to get back up is

I was thinking when taking some of these shots, I wish I had my macro lens with me to get a better bokeh ( ie the circles of light and blurry background), but in this next shot it got some nice bokeh, even with my 24-240 lens

1 1 fall colors5.jpg

Sony A7iii 120mm F8 1/160 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

This shot is an exception for the others taken recently but while walking around NYC

1 1 fall colors3.jpg

Sony A7iii 75mm F5.6 1/60 Sec ISO 3200
Click here to view larger

And finishing off with some ferns I saw walking around Beaverbrrok trails on Friday, I generally prefer the lush green ferns but the golden colors of this one really caught my eye

1 1 fall colors4.jpg

Sony A7iii 44mm F8 1/80 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.


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!steemitworldmap 41.2118089 lat -73.088984 long Mondo Pond Trails Milford CT d3scr


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Your photos show the beautiful colors of Autumn very nice - I like the leaf that does not want to fall and holds on to the tree most 😊

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Thanks I do love how that leaf is holding on with all it can :)


That's what I thought, when I saw the photo - this leaf doesn't want to fall down ;) lol


For me these days falling down is not the problem of even getting down low for a shot getting back up is the challenge LOL


Oh, then I think, this leaf knows you and this is, why it held on that tree - that you don't need to get down ;) lol

LOL yes that was very considerate of it LOl


Some leaves are not just like the average leaves, who don't care about us humans ... this leaf must have seen you walking by some times over the summer and it remembered you when it fell off and you passed by... 🙂

Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of BEER for you. Enjoy it!

Beautiful Pictures.

@tipu curate

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Thanks so much appreciated

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Buenas fotografias!

Thanks so much appreciated

These pictures are perfectly captured fellow!👍❤️

Thanks thats very kind of you to say :)

I love the fall foliage, even raking the leaves! It is one of my favorite things about living in New England!

Posted using Partiko Android

Ohh yes I to love the fall colors and even all the leaves :) I hope you have had a good weekend

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I love those leaves colour!

Thanks I love this time of year

The oranges of Autumn is truly beautiful! It is amazing how it warms up ones insides while knowing that the temperatures are dropping outside. Soon I shall see some Autumn colors here too!
Have a beautiful Sunday, my friend @tattoodjay, take care😍🌺🤙

I look forward to seeing your shots when the colors come out there I do love this time of year ;)

I have to get some colors on film before they disappear.... :-)

I dont think they will last much longer now

You get some nice bokeh from a phone these days but I think yours are still better here.

Sorry I didnt make it clear in the post these were all taken with my camera :)
Thanks for your visit ;)

You're welcome. Yes, I thought you are working on your camera for these.

You're welcome. Yes, I
Thought you are working on your
Camera for these.

                 - ace108

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

OK thanks I guess I am tired and confused myself it happens often LOL

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Amazing pictures. I love it!

These are really beautiful Autumn photography.


Posted using Partiko Android

Beautiful fall leaf shots !

Thanks Kindly, have a good week

OH! I love Autumn! The leaves are just starting to get the full rainbow effect here. Good shots my man.

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Thanks My friend I too love Autumn but not so much what follows soon after

Ha ha! You and me both my man.

I used to love each season but each year that goes by I like winter less

I was hoping to get some good shots on our camping trip this weekend but sadly with the frost coming most of the leaves have already started to fall and most of their colors are gone. By the time we got home the tree in front of our house was pretty much completely bare.

It comes and goes so quickly doesnt it

Golden fern really stands out, perhaps it is because you always expect ferns to be green. To see the fall colors, such a short season bringing abundance of warmth before the stark white snow starts falling.

Yeah I thought it stood out as well, and yes I always love fall but look onit as Mother Nature teasing us before the cold and grey winter

Must be stunning to witness definite changes from season to season, soon I will be hunting photo's of snow to dream of being cooler again. Oh I have not seen snow for some time....

Ohh I will no doubt be sharing some/snow photos when winter gets here reports seem to indicate we may well see a lot of it this year

Autumn fern looks more elegant than usual green.
Cool photos turned out!

Thanks and yes I did love the colors of this one :)

Beautiful Fall colours... Love the one with the bokeh and the first, of course!

Thanks so much
Have a great day

Just spectacular shots and those autumn colors are just the best 👍

Thanks kindly cheers and !BEER

Most welcome...Cheers 👍

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Thank you very much 🙂

Hey @tattoodjay, here is a little bit of BEER for you. Enjoy it!