
he's 20 and has been trying to write music.

I don't really listen to the radio much anymore - so he often will play new songs from the radio that I have never heard - not until he plays them

so about 3 weeks ago - I'm listening to him play something beautiful! And i think - oh - another song from the radio i haven't heard ahahaha

and i said - wow Mikey! That's gorgeous! Who sings that???

He said (all humbly and cute) - "oh, I wrote it."

Let's all give a moment of silence to this #ProudMomMoment

That’s is a proud Mom moment for sure
I don’t listen to the radio can’t stand a lot if modern music to be honest

yeah me either.
it just isn't as fun anymore

occasionally my kids will share something with me that i like - but i prefer them to filter through the garbage for me.

they have more patience for it hahahaha