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RE: Some small progress on the subreddit

in #subreddit6 years ago

I came to discover Steemit via Google search autosuggestion tool while searching for a better alternatives to Minds. From there, a whole new world of blockchain and cryptocurrency understanding opened up to me and changed the way I look at the internet for ever.


Minds looked promising, but, then it went nowhere. It feels to me that they are struggling to monetise their platform. When facing something like Steemit, they can't compete.

I would agree with you on all of your points.

Can you please point me to the big names you are referring to on Minds?

I am rather disappointed with the quality of what I see in my feed.

"Minds is truly censorship-resistant", yes, the owners of the site seem to allow people free reign on what they post, however, the platform is still centralised. While internal censorship is not in play, external censorship could shut it down. Where as Steemit is decentralised and thus more resistant to external censorship.