in #success4 years ago


Is perseverance a strength?

Perseverance involves the voluntary continuation of a goal-directed action despite the presence of challenges, difficulties, and discouragement.😁

What are examples of perseverance?
Perseverance is persistence in sticking to a plan. An example of perseverance is working out for a two hours each day to lose weight. Continuing in a course of action without regard to discouragement, opposition or previous failure. Persistent determination to adhere to a plan of direction.


Characteristics of Persevering Leaders:

  1. Definiteness of purpose. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why you were born or why you are where you are? ...
  2. Desire. You have to really want it, sometimes we don't want something enough to do the hard work or persevere sufficiently to obtain it....
  3. Self-belief; believe in yourself...
  4. Definiteness of plans; have plans to achieve your goals and work on it...
  5. Accurate; be accurate and keep track of your successes and improvements...
  6. Willpower; have a will to achieve anything you put your mind to....
  7. Habit; maintain good habits that will take you higher.