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RE: Branding and Consistency: The Secret Weapon To Success Online and at Steemit

in #success6 years ago

As an end-user, I don't really care about branding, as long as the content is good.

I can definitely understand that having good branding helps with getting your posts noticed more, so from the creator's point of view, I agree that it's important if you want to reach a larger audience.


Good point..I agree

Trimakasih sahabat saya mengerti yang ada maksud dan saya sering membaca posting anda tentang pembahasan awal kesuksesan di steemit dan saya sebagai pendatang baru saya sering membaca blog jalan kesuksesan di steemit..dan saya akan mencoba@ walaupun saya belum bisa mengerti [email protected] sahabat posting anda sangat berguna untuk pemula seperti saya.