A cynical take on success

in #success8 years ago (edited)

Stop fantasizing!

Related to the crypto world, we have seen many incredible stories about people making it big, from things like selling a pizza, to some of the most extraordinary personalities. This might make you think that you are next in line. Sorry, but I will try to bring you down to earth...

We can't discuss the grey reality of things without being reminded of Livia from The Sopranos!

Winners and losers

It's easy to compare oneself to others, and to feel pretty insignificant when doing so. Because most of us will never be clasified as successful. Why? Well, first of all, the very idea of being successful requires a gap - those who are, and those who are not successful.

To be successful is to fill the requirements that we as a collective has decided upon. Usually the things that are hard to obtain.
Beauty, wealth and intelligence are three things that come to my mind, which are considered rare and desirable. If you possess attributes like this, the establishment will likely offer you a head start.
Now I might sound like I'm implying that successful people are bunch of lucky bastards, not at all. Because we as we all know, no true success comes without hard work, and it doesn't matter if you are black, white, beautiful, ugly, handicapped, or just plain stupid - it's something which we all can claim!

But perhaps the most important thing to become successful is to give up. To let go the idea of there being a goal to be reached, or something to be attained. It might sound like a paradox, but there is a destinction between the gratification of accomplishing something, and being succesful.
A succesful person should always consider their ambition to be their biggest success, eventhough every accomplished goal is a moment of great joy!

Being successful together

We live in a time of great change, and we have many challenges ahead, not only macro level, but also on a micro level. To be successful might be to become the next president, but it might also be to feed the dog. We all have our roles to play, and in the end, success is more about a state of mind rather than obtaining that specific trophy!
I personally believe that we can become more or less in tune with the Universe. That depending on which choises we make, we can move closer or further away from a path where we meet our happiness. To not end up as the unhappy carpenter, maybe a person should focus more on music, or vice versa. It's our own responsibillity to figure out our path in life!

As a disclosure I should add that I'm probably concidered a typically unsuccesful person. I sometimes perform sloppy work, I have bad sleep habits, drink too much coffée, forget to backup my work(Steemit saved me there!), I have failed several educations, declined job opportunities, etc.

But I'm still successful in my own eyes, because I know that there is a gap, and that the successful people would never shine as bright if it wasn't for slobs like myself! ;)


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