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RE: Sun gazing: the magic of the sun

in #sungazing6 years ago

Great post and beautiful photos! I will definitely have to check out Eat the Sun....
I remember when I was young, I was always told not to look directly at the sun, so I found all this information very interesting.

I was just spending some time on Koh Phangan, and every time I made it out to the beach to watch the sunset I could feel layers of stress melting away. It really is some of the best medicine.

And, so cool to hear about the eye sight thing! I have very bad eyesight, so I love hearing about new ways to help improve it.

Good one!


I agree completely! It definitely melts all the yuckies away! And yes I too was told not to look at the sun but then I was also told a lot of things that turned out to be so very wrong. Not that these people were intentionally telling us falsities, we are all doing our best after all. Hope you enjoy your light medicine and heal your sight! Can't wait to hear how it goes a year from now! 😘