Continuous Photoshoot Grey cloudy attractive Sunset

in #sunset2 years ago

Grey cloudy attractive Sunset

My other photography today is about the Grey cloudy attractive Sunset. The sunset gives the viewer an opportunity to follow the proceedings of a sunset. The Sunsets are short lived and do not offer ample time to have an exclusive view. This is not usually the case when a person has the time it takes to view the sun as it sets. It also different how it feels when one is outside watching the sunset and relaxing from the hard daily chores. While the beautiful sun is setting, standing there and seeing it, is one of the best experiences. The beautiful sunset is marked by colorful sky, astoundingly clouds reflections and soothing tunes of the birds. The rays of a setting sun have a combination of colors that make an evening look beautiful and admirable. The rays, which range from blue and violet to red and orange form long colorful rays far into the atmosphere. The air at this time smells fresh and clean making even the old feel like new borne babies. Additionally, the harmonious whistling of the wind makes the sunset even more attractive. This attributes of the sunset have made the sunset inspiring to the soul, body and mind. I captured it when I was in my office and I saw the sunset which was different from normal days and so I took the opportunity and took pictures. Which I am going to share with my friends. I wish you were happy just seeing it.

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Post & Image source

Photos captured by@arvindkumar
Camera DeviceSamsung M31 Rear Camera 64MP
CategoryGrey cloudy attractive Sunset Photography
EditedCaptured one

Have a good day.
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