Support minnows , Date 5.3.2018 promote content on Steemit.

in #support6 years ago

Hello Steem friends
I vote for 5 people who posted impressive posts every day.
The VP will be about 50%-80% on each post of the selected minnow. This is in order to promote quality and good content on
What are the settings for minnow?
reputation below 60 (Completely random, it just have to be a good one).
List for today:

(I do not intend to stop supporting those I have supported so far even if they are over 60)

There are 2 pages

lol you are rich :)

Good initiative!


😎 give your best effort and give your best comment

                   and win an extraodinary 

                      upvote of @yoo1900

                   do not miss this chance .. 😉

We minnows work tooth and nail to have ourselves atleast noticed in this vast ocean of steemit. We write loads and loads of posts and make even more comments. Some get lucky and are noticed. However, many keep struggling to edge their head up and behold the sweet sweetness of the radiant light only to be greeted by mundane failure. It is not surprising to me and I know it is not surprising to you too @yoo1900. This is because we know that Life is not fair.

I have an experience to share which drives in the point that life is not fair. I have a collleague in school who hails from a very high-profile family. His parents are well to do and give him almost everything he needs, if not everything. He comes to school with his own car; I mean high school. Somehow, he learnt about Steemit and joined it. He got a $700 upvote on his intro post.

Another guy in my same class is a pauper. He can barely afford his lunch. He wears ragged clothes, looks unkempt most of the time because of lack of money. Someone he managed to buy a phone from stipends he received by carrying people's loads in the park. He subscribed and joined steemit. His intro post barely got 50 cent and till today, I haven't seen any of his rewards worth upto $2. That is life! Isn't not true that life is not fair?

However, people like you @yoo1900 help to strike a balance and give hope to people who least expected it. God bless you @yoo1900 for this active effort to promote quality content on this platform and most especially, give us minnows a reason to continue being here. If only every whale could do this, then this platform would be more encouraging to us.

Grow in Strength!

Hello @yhutie, thanks for sharing your story with us, loyal followers of @yoo1900. I agree with you that Life is not fair. That is why we have people like @yoo1900. He is here to bridge that divide-the wide chasm between the rich and the poor; between the Steemian who earns hundreds of dollars and the one who earns cents.@yoo1900 is here to bridge that ugly gap and we should all be delighted that it's happening in our generation.

Once again, thanks for sharing your story

Hi @yhutie, we have never met and I am pleased to meet you.

When I read your comment, I was moved by your frustration but more so by your compassion. It took me back to when I went to a country school with my Mom. She was a school teacher. We were city-dwellers. Many of my classmates had no shoes. Their houses were thatched roofs and their floors were mud! It broke my four-year old heart (yes, I started school young. Baby sitting was a problem for my parents.)

That pain for my friends and for the less-fortunate has stayed with me for my entire life. I am glad for that experience because it has made me very mindful of the unfair struggles of so many.

We can't change the world, but we can change HOW we are in the world and we can make a change in our world, one human at a time. We can all share kindness. Some of the warmest hospitality I ever experienced was from the poorest I have known.

It's humbling and makes us aware that nothing we have should be taken for granted and we are morally bound to help a human, if we can!

That's an attitude we can choose to assume as you, @yoo1900 have chosen. I thank you for what you are doing. I am not certain of what and how you are doing it, but I know you are trying to make a difference from a position of abundance. That makes you a very good human, in my humble opinion! Thank you!

You are the first"whale " believe me i mean it that supports so much and be so active.I was just wondering if you look randomly.Anyhow...Hats off to you...
Who doesn't want to have his content at least seen by someone with influence?i definitely would but as long i see people like you out there...there is still hope for us minnows.congrats again

Exactly! @yoo1900 recognizes the fact that others need to grow. Even though he has reached the loftliest of heights in the Steemit blockchain, he takes a moment to look down and see how he can help people who are down there to come up. A wise man once said "Don't forsake those who are below you for they are equally important in life". @yoo1900 has lived by this principle and to me, I think this is commendable in all ramification. When a minnow is supported like this, it proves to him that he really belongs here, that there is hope for him here. This way, he not only remains here but also tries to tell more people about the wonderful platform, to tell the goodnews to the ends of the earth. This act is smiled at, by God himself!

Thank you very much @yoo1900
Congratulations to your lucky ones, keep on contributing with interesting and original content

Hi @yoo1900 i found you now. You making amazing work. Thank for this. I have a question, how you choose minnow? Any rule?

Good work @yoo1900. I have been seeing you consistently supporting good posts. Please continue your service. Wondering one day my posts will also be upvoted by you. 😉

I support you! Already followed you before, from the twins article, and I have a good memory!

Oh nice. Thanks @alexdory. I visited your blog and your articles are also interesting for me. I will read them when I find time. Followed you back. :-)

Thanks a lot! Will not let you down content-wise.

Great job, i think this platform needs more people like you.but my question is ; how do i bring my post to your notice, is there a special tag to draw your attention to the post. God bless you sir.

I will answer your question. I once asked the same question and someone gave me an answer. Although I've not still been a beneficiary yet, I know that I will be one day.

The first criteria is that your reputation must be less than 60. Yours is 30 therefore you've met this criteria.
The next criteria is that you must post quality content on your blog regularly. Don't worry about how the content will get to @yoo1900. Just be yourself! Post original work, something fully written by you and will add value to the life of anybody who reads. Finally, keep contributing on this blog. If you do all these, @yoo1900 will visit your blog one day and bestow you with abundance of pure love and support. A friend of mine had her reputation increase five places up after she was supported by @yoo1900. He is that good!

Always good to see this....more strength to do good sir.

look me up if you get the chance. I don't post the same everyday stuff but am focused on DYI, Woodworking , music type subjects. so if you are wandering around in that neighborhood look for me....

Hello @yoo1900

I'm new in Steemit Community. I need the support of a valuable account like you. Thank you for everything you've added to the Steemit community.

Thank you for support.

I will support you! I am not as valuable but I like to read your thoughts as I don't read memes too often.
What do you like to write about? Are are you good at? Where could you improve steemit or its content?
Could you help others structure text or maybe you understand how the platform works and can explain it to the others! See? I gave you advice about finding your own niche! Cheers!

great stuff you do, I hope to receive this sort of favour

Congratulations to the lucky ones, I hope to draw from your pot of luck. Thanks @yoo1900 for this great initiative

It's nice to support quality content.Steemit has a nicer and more engaging atmosphere but I am a responsible. I am wondering exactly how you choose the people you choose.

Thank you so much for your support and incredible compassion. I am very happy right now, God protect you.

Thank you so much for your support and your incredible upvote. Am so happy right now, God bless you .


Really appreciate your work...good job.

thank you sir!

You are awesome!!

hello @yoo1900
Still looking forward to your visit...
your support is very much appreciated. :)

Great job.I pray and will work hard towards joining this elite group.

Great job, I love it. Congratulations to the winners.

Thanks for your support @yoo1900 ! Keep going your great work!

Thanks for supporting us minnows @yoo1900 , can’t wait till my Dtube videos get me on this list.

Great your supporting work .thanks for support my steemit friends FB_IMG_15165643064690116.jpg

OMG! 😀😀😀Thank you so very much @yoo1900. I am soooooo glad that you considered me deserving of today's support. This made my Monday! God bless you and continue to prosper the work of your hands. Much blessings to you and your family! 🙌🙌🙌

You have a very good concept here. You helping the minnows is a mind blowing one .
my current situation with a little reputation is very poor.
I am not feeling the good weather of steemit .
I felt like going off when i got punished but you guys are very motivating.
I wish you help me get back on my grind.
Together we succeed

really good job

Tbh just a couple hours back fell on his account...and man couldn't believe it.He is just an example for how the original idea of steemit community should be(powerful people helping others grow through their work)

Nice to see there are some decent ‘whale’ people on steemit!

Let's see me ;) I am impressive

Great your supporting

good job thanks...

good job ! :)

Good post really

May God bless you for giving support. There are very few people on earth with your kind of disposition.

May God bless you as you carry on this good work

Thanks for your support to minnows...

Good to see you...

@yoo1900, let me just say that if we had more people like you, the steemit community would be a much better place. I haven't been here long enough, but I hope that soon enough, I will find my feet and follow your foot steps. Day in day out, a lot of useful content is being buried and unrewarded. I Hope that some day soon, I will join you in your efforts to support minnows.

Lo asombroso de steemits es que puedes crear con la esperanza de encontrar personas interesadas en compartir tu creación... te felicito por tu iniciativa de apoyo a los nuevos emprendedores steemers....

always good to get support from you.i appreciate

For the past 2 weeks I have been head down reading about Steemit, and boy is there a lot to read. I was seriously doubting that it would be worth the effort, then I read this, a person willing to encourage new members with generosity. I have at least made a start. Thanks to influential people such as yourself, people like me will at least have a go, but quality is the key. Thanks for your support.

lucky to those who have been upvoted..congrats guyz

Thank you. May I know what interest you most?

Congratulations for the support provided by @yoo1900, hopefully useful and work harder. May you always be healthy in supporting small fish @yoo1900😊

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