What @surpassinggoogle Did in The Month of April, 2018!

in #surpassinggoogle6 years ago (edited)

There are many people who have always been selfish, think about their own benefits and self-interests only, my first category! Then, there is a second category, people who want to show the world that they are nice, humble and actually benefiting the society via their actions but inside, they are wolves! Then there is a third and last category, the real people. They admit and take responsibility of their actions, no matter if they are right or wrong, atleast they aren't two-faced! We have some big accounts here who says yes, we are raping the reward pool and we sell our upvotes to get more, more and more!

Anyways, the objective of this post is not to focus and criticize these people rather to highlight a person who doesn't fall in any of the above categories! Though a lot has been changed now, more and more people are inclined towards using bots and they don't believe in manual curation anymore. So the purpose of this little analysis is to show newbies a light in the darkness. I did some analysis of two wonderful people on steemit (1,2) in the past and this is the continuation of my mission of finding good souls on Steemit. Yes, there are some people who have been helping others with the maximum utilization of their SP they have by manually upvoting posts and one of them is @surpassinggoogle

I guess his real name is Terry and people call him Terry Boy. I don't have the exact number of projects he had initiated to help newbies here but currently I guess he has started something called @uloggers. I myself posted two/three posts for his @steem-untalented contest and enjoyed his lovely upvotes. The theme of this project was unique and appealing to some frustrating souls like me and that was Everyone is a winner, there is no loser! I don't know what his @uloggers theme is all about but I am pretty sure that it would be something for humans. Anyways, before I jump into his monthly curation analysis, I want to show something other than his upvoting behavior.

Transfers From His Wallet

I had to play with more than 2800 rows when I extracted his wallet transfers data. Filtering out all the exchange, null, steem-untalened and other personal transfers, I got 3728.082 Steem and 1332.341 SBDs that he transferred to other accounts. Yup, that was his money and he distributed his wealth with don't know how many people. When you see people selling their upvotes and adopting an unethical approach throughout their Steemit life, he is the one who is constantly distributing his money among others. Though the amount of money transferred to most of the individuals was small but still, how many people you know who have been constantly transferring their assets to others? 1 in 1000, I guess?

Curation Analysis in The Month of April, 2018

In the month of April, he gave almost 10763 upvotes, dividing this number with 30, we get approximately 359. It means that on daily basis, he gave 359 upvotes on posts and comments. I don't know when did Terry receive the delegation from @ned but after looking at his curation method, I guess he(@ned), along with concentrating on SMTs and other technical stuff, should find more people like him (Terry) and delegate his SP to them, bringing something positive to offset the negativity!

Going back to the curation, the total number of unique authors who were given upvotes were 2316. Average upvote weight was 2.79% and there were total 11 self-upvotes that were given at an average weight of 82.09%. One thing I missed to calculate was the average number of comments on his post. If you go through his posts, you will find the amount of engagement he has on his posts. He has some loyal followers who regularly engage with his contests/posts and in return he does his best to reward them with his upvotes. I guess this is what we are now lacking on Steemit, human engagement!

Anyways, top 10 authors who received the maximum number of upvotes from him were

Author Number of Upvotes Average Weight of an Upvote
@maverickinvictus 71 3.39%
@creyestxsa94 62 1.65%
@sn0white 56 2.03%
@bxlphabet 49 1.38%
@fitinfun 49 2.63%
@shula14 49 1.53%
@fycee 48 2.16%
@yadah04 44 1.86%
@olivia08 43 2.93%
@josephace135 41 2.46%

Final Word

I am not sure if he will read this post since he has already too much stuff to read on daily basis (LOL) but if any newbie or a demotivated person is reading this, I would suggest him to start engaging with him and stop using bots to upvote their own posts. Bot never engages and you need a human to engage with your work and he is one of the best souls here!


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Ohh wooow!!! I am so shocked with this! Thank you so muuuuch sir @surpassinggoogle :)

I'm loving your passion for analysis in regards to the steem blockchain. I hope you are well friend. I still have not prepared a Pakistani meal but it is still in my mind and I am looking forward to it. Warmest regards.

Thank you so much Tim for this lovely comment and yeah, have been working on enhancing my programming skill. Did Winny told you about ONO?

Thanks for this Ghulam! It's been a little while since I saw your last analysis and was wondering what you've been up to! Keep up your good work, you are always shining light in our dark world :)

Thanks for this Ghulam! It's been a little while since I saw your last analysis and was wondering what you've been up to!

Have been working on enhancing my skills and doing some stuff for ONO. Have you heard about it?

Have been working on enhancing my skills

That is always a good thing. We are all just work in progress :)

and doing some stuff for ONO. Have you heard about it?

I have indeed! It sounds cool, what are you doing for ONO? I thought their international version was only coming out end of June! (Don't tell me you speak Chinese :) )

LOL, no, I don't but there are many things you can do as an International user like engaging and creating awareness among people via your posts, videos etc., helping in translation some stuff and things like that. And yes, it will be launched in the end of June, the exact date hasn't been confirmed by the ONO team yet.
Are you on Discord?

That sounds really exciting. How can I help you with ONO?
I am on discord but I am not very familiar with it. I am more familiar with telegram, same username on telegram (@lucygarrod). Can I contact you there?

You should join one of our Steemgigs Talks with Terry Shows every Saturday 12:00 AM Manila (Actually Sunday 12:00 AM)

It would be great for you to get inspired by Terry and know his message of being kind to everyone and supporting their dreams,

I did an analysis and he has over 1000+ unique accounts that he votes for in a weekly basis with different nations, topics and condensers used.

Sure, will it be on Discord?

I did an analysis and he has over 1000+ unique accounts that he votes for in a weekly basis with different nations, topics and condensers used.

Yup, he is a champion when it comes to curation.

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I just found out and I will follow you