Composting is one of the most important sustainable and earth improving implementations that must be normal!


My brother also does the vermicast and sells it via FB @gardenofeden

We make it just don’t sell it

This should be followed by every one as prevent for global warming!


zero carbon footprint!

Actually, whether organic matter decomposes or burns down, the CO2 emissions are pretty much the same; Depending on the type of decompostation, it can in fact release more 'climate' gases than high temperature burning.

That being said, of course I try to recycle as much as I can, too.
I believe you are doing the right thing.

Lol composting is what all organic matter in nature

C02 is not the problem. Also if all organic
Matter was burned we would live in a desert.

Well then perhaps don't brag about being 'carbon neutral' by composting, if you know it's bullshit.

Lol it’s not bullshit

How about you go
Meditate for 10 years in the woods

Keep throwing everything in the landfill and pretend cow farts are melting ice burgs

How about you get your heads out of your own arses ?

What I wrote is absolutely correct.

I have voted your posts for over 4 years now !
I have commented a few times and all I get is ignorant replies.

I guess you have to ignore the critics to do what you are doing, but I am supporting you by giving you hundreds (!) of votes and the moment I correct you, you ridicule me like this ?

Nah, sry, I am out of here.

We appreciate the votes and the support, however with all we do to support this earth and save the world you are in no place to tell us that composting is as bad as burning everything.

It is absolutely ridiculous.

Composting is one of the most important things that can be done to save this earth and make it a lush paradise like it used to be.

Again carbon is not actually a problem in fact trees require carbon in order to breathe just like we require oxygen.

The difference between burning and composting is 360.

You can take it as disrespect all you want if that’s what you choose.

However we have been fighting to make this world a better place for over a decade and education is where it starts.

We mean no disrespect however cannot stand to agree with something just for a vote.

Blessings to you and
Gratitude For All the votes.
