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RE: My Great Spiritual Journey - Astrology, Mushrooms & Ayahuasca (SWC)

in #swc6 years ago

I loved the artwork you shared in this post! It really brings you into the feeling of the inner experience. Followed! I have a lot of friends who have taken ayahuasca, but haven't done it myself. I have been exploring spiritual journeys in other ways by traveling around India and Asia meeting great living masters, which is also amazing in a different way -- and the core truths are definitely the same all around the world.

I'm also a huge fan of laughter therapy because I feel like people to lighten up more in general. In a way, this world is a long dream that we're going to wake up from, you know? So that's why I've been focusing on writing more funny parodies on my Steemit blog these days to try to give people a little smile to keep them going. 😃




I have been to a laughter therapy once. It was hillarious! :)

Traveling through India must be amazing!

Yep. Everyone should go there or somewhere in Asia at least once. Pop question: What's the funniest story you've read in a long time?