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RE: My Great Spiritual Journey - Astrology, Mushrooms & Ayahuasca (SWC)

in #swc6 years ago (edited)

i'm glad this drifted into my feed. such a powerful story. thank you for sharing tid bits of your journey and the acute personal power you discovered while on your trip. i love the fact that you following your inner urgings and your thought-lines, led you to your wife, you realization of your purpose in life, and many other potent portals. i have done the same and my life is much different than i ever dreamed of and i am on my journey <3

it is so amazing that while on this earth we each have the opportunity to listen to the inner voice and nudgings, and to find the golden thread and follow it to our own inner kingdom. i especially love that in the end you said you are not a special or enlightened person. this speaks to the fact that everyone has the ability to go on their journey- not just "special" or "called" people... and all of us are here and are walking our unique walks that do not look like other peoples- and it's all in divine timing.

also, we have so much to thank for our plant allies. we are destined to meet them. i,too, heard the call of ayahuasca and had a rebirth... it was meant to be and my heart blown open, i am forever thankful for the jungle education.

thank you... this was very beautiful @flauwy <3


Thank you so much for this beautiful reply to my journey. I am glad you found your own and that you embrace the mystery and love that is guiding us all. Hold on to that strength as we will all need it when the right time has come. We are all shaping our universe individually and as a species and the fractal universe reflects that on all levels of existence. Let us make our small fractal as amazing and loving as possible as that will ripple through the universe and heal us all.