Review | Swixxo Exchange | First impressions

in #swixxo5 years ago (edited)

Swixxo exchange.png

Yesterday I was notified about Swixxo exchange

This name was new to me, so I decided to have a look at their website. I immediately liked what I saw, the design is nice, and the first impression was that everything seems easy to understand. Personally, I've tried a few exchanges that I now never use anymore, simply because they are not user friendly, and I want to be able to trade without too much trouble. This positive first impression made me want to sign up.

Registering your account is easy

On the right top you see the sign up button, click to see:

swixxo register.png

Just follow the steps, it's easy and speaks for itself.

My advice is to not use an easy password, especially not as this is an exchange where you may be holding funds in the future. Use a key generator to make a password you can't remember, and keep it somewhere safe, Keepass is an example of a password generator and database to save all your passwords without having to remember all the passwords. I can't emphasize enough that you should not choose an easy password that you can remember when you sign up to an exchange. Treat it like your bank account, you aren't giving away your pincode to your bankcard either, right?

Steem and SBD are listed on Swixxo

Something that I find important whenever I want to use an exchange, is the listing of Steem (and preferable SBD) as these are the two cryptocurrencies that I use on a daily basis. Any exchange not supporting at least one of these coins, are not interesting for me to try.

Wallets supported on Swixxo

Let's have a look at all the wallets that Swixxo supports, as I'm also interested in trading other currencies besides Steem/SBD.

swixxo walletsimage.png

The only currency missing here for me, is EOS. I would like to be able to trade with EOS as well. I hope this wallet can be added in the (near) future to make the most out of my user experience on Swixxo. If you agree that you would like to see EOS listed on Swixxo, please leave a comment below, maybe we can make that happen.

KYC information is waiting approval

Right after I signed up yesterday, I filled in my personal information, and I'm now waiting until I get approved. Until that is the case, I will have to wait before I can actually experience how the exchange works. Hopefully, it will not take too much longer now.

swixxo waiting approval

Once I'm approved, I will send some funds to Swixxo to start experience trading on this exchange. I'm curious to find out how easy it is in reality, and if my experiences meet my expectations.

Call to action

Have you tried out Swixxo exchange yet? What are your thoughts? And are there any currencies that you would like them to list? Please leave a comment below.


what do you find the benefit of it compared to other exchanges?

I am getting crazy of all those exchanges hahhha

First of all, the design and layout.. Plus so far everything I did was easy to handle. While I've been struggling on Binance with the layout and developed a hate relation quickly. I never use it anymore while I do have some coins still on binance :(
When I get approved I will make another post when I've done actually transfers/trading :)

If you want to sign up wait for me to get approved please, so I can give you my ref. link :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Check if they have SUB listed, if yes, then we need to move those haha

Posted using Partiko Android

You can see all the wallets in this article. I forgot about SUB lol

Posted using Partiko Android

This post has received a 3.13 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @sbi-booster.