Surrounded by colorful butterflies and frogs.

in Amazing Nature3 years ago

Greetings #HIVE friends, receive infinite blessings on this new day, living in the countryside makes you appreciate the goodness of the land in one and a thousand ways, nothing can be compared to the smell of fresh grass and soil just wet from the morning dew . The countryside is synonymous with peace and tranquility, that level of comfort of lying down in a hammock or hammock and meeting the call of Mother Nature has no value. Beyond all this, the greatest satisfaction that can be felt is being able to feel the field through its many species.

Saludos amigos de #HIVE, reciban infinitas bendiciones en este nuevo día, vivir en el campo te hace apreciar la bondad de la tierra de una y mil maneras, nada puede ser comparado con el olor a hierba fresca y suelo recién mojado por el rocío mañanero. El campo es sinónimo de paz y tranquilidad, ese nivel de confort de recostarse en una hamaca o chinchorro y encontrarse con el llamado de la madre naturaleza no tiene valor alguno. Más allá de todo esto, la mayor satisfacción que se pueda sentir es poder palpar el campo a través de sus múltiples especies.



This week, two types of butterflies have visited me, one of them has been a monarch butterfly, it was very easy to identify by its colorful black, orange and white colors, it gave me the impression that it wanted to spend some time in my hand and I have kept her with me until she has decided to leave. Monarch butterflies are recognized for their long journeys, they are born to fly and be free, likewise it is the freedom that it gives me to find myself in the countryside, away from the big cities and from all the pollution caused by car smoke. Beyond dedicating myself to specifying the characteristics of this butterfly, I want to share with you its essence, the peace and sweetness that these beauties radiate and that give us to understand how knew and perfect nature is.

Esta semana, me han visitado dos tipos de mariposas, una de ellas ha sido una mariposa monarca fue muy sencilla de poder identificar por sus vistosos colores negro, naranja y blanco, me ha dado la impresión de que quería pasar un rato en mi mano y la he mantenido conmigo hasta que ha decidido marcharse. Las mariposas monarcas son reconocidas por sus largas travesias, ellas nacen para volar y ser libres, así mismo es la libertad que me proporciona encontrarme en el campo, alejada de las grandes ciudades y de toda la contaminación producto del humo de los autos. Más allá de dedicarme a especificar las características de está mariposa, quiero compartirles su escencia, la paz y la dulzura que irradian estas hermosuras y que nos dan a entender lo sabía y perfecta que es la naturaleza.




Another of the butterflies, has been a wild butterfly, it has been difficult for me to identify its name and I would be grateful to some of my readers if they could help me in this task, despite being from the field I coexist with many species and daily I can observe some species that do not I find them everyday, this butterfly I have appreciated for the first time and I was surprised by the showiness of its wings and those red spots found on the upper part of its wings and its body. Possibly, this is a variant of other known species or perhaps it is a new species found in our ecosystem. The truth is that for the moment I share this beautiful wild butterfly and I am inquiring about it, please if it is known to some of you, let me know with your comments.

Otra de las mariposas, ha sido una mariposa silvestre, me ha costado identificar su nombre y le agradecería a algunos de mis lectores si me pudieran ayudar en esta tarea, pese a ser del campo coexisto con muchísimas especies y diariamente puedo observar algunas especies que no me resultan cotidianas, está mariposa la he apreciado por primera vez y me ha sorprendido la vistosidad de sus alas y esos puntos rojos encontrados sobre la parte superior de sus alas y su cuerpo. Posiblemente, está sea una variante de otras especies conocida o tal vez sea una nueva especie encontrada en nuestro ecosistema. Lo cierto, es que por el momento les comparto esta hermosa mariposa silvestre y me encuentro indagando sobre ella, por favor si es conocida por algunos de ustedes déjenme saberlo con sus comentarios.




Another of the species that have visited me this week has been a striking apple green frog, this little frog beyond wanting to visit me I think he wanted to go unnoticed, he did not want to have any contact, I think that the simple fact of having me close made him uncomfortable , I supposed that maybe she appreciated me as a threat and I did not want to bother her so that she could feel comfortable and safe. I have always respected the local fauna because it is they who embellish the landscape and give color to our days.

Otra de las especies que me han hecho visita esta semana ha sido una llamativa rana color verde manzana, está ranita más allá de quererme visitar creo que quería pasar desapercibida, no deseaba tener contacto alguno, creo que el simple hecho de tenerme cerca le hacía incómodo, supuse que tal vez me apreciaba como una amenaza y no la quise molestar para que pudiera sentirse cómoda y sin peligro. Siempre he respetado a la fauna local porque son ellos los que embellecen el paisaje y le dan color a nuestros días.


Thanks for dressing me up and reading me, until next time @aksurevm89.

Gracias por vísitame y leerme, hasta una próxima ocasión @aksurevm89.


Translated by: google translator // Traducido por: google traductor

All photos are my property // Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad.


What an amazing experience! You both look so vibrating togather, I'm jealous.

hahahaha ... thank you very much friend, nature is that beautiful and these moments are enchanting.

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Hi @aksurevm89, your post has been upvoted by @bdcommunity courtesy of @rem-steem!

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Su post ha sido valorado por @goya

We appreciate your work and your post has been manually curated by zoology team (oscurity,nelinoeva) on behalf of Amazing Nature Community. Keep up the good work!

It does not have to be difficult to identify the species alone, you have a very talented team of professionals in our discord, we could help you identify them next time! excellent post very cute

Thank you very much for your observations, I will not hesitate to consult you when I have unknown species in front of me. It is good to be able to count on your support.

Hello @aksurevm89!

thanks for sharing! amazing post!!!
We appreciate your work and your post was manually curated by @none! from the DNA team!

Reach us on Discord to learn more about the project!

Thank you very much for your support and feedback

Nature is really something special and everything that surrounds us is a beautiful experience.

It is so dear friend, nature is a work of art.

son unas fotos geniales, las mariposas se ven realmente hermosas

Muchas gracias amigo.