Resultaste ser un vil cuervo [ESP/ENG]

in Writing Club2 years ago



Resultaste ser un vil cuervo /// You turned out to be a vile crow

Siempre le decía a mi pareja, no te vayas de mi lado, porque estabas muy al tanto de lo mucho que te amaba. Sin embargo, hiciste caso omiso a cada una de mis palabras y sin mirarme un solo instante me dejaste y con otra te marchaste.

I always told my partner, don't leave my side, because you were well aware of how much I loved you. However, you ignored each of my words and without looking at me for a single moment you left me and went away with another one.

Ahora me toca pagar todo el cariño que te supe dar, y aunque no me arrepiento de todos los momentos que viví a tu lado; si decides algún día regresar yo te perdonaré de todo corazón así como Dios me ha perdonado cada una de mis malas decisiones.

Now it is my turn to pay for all the love I gave you, and although I do not regret all the moments I lived by your side; if you decide to come back someday I will forgive you with all my heart just as God has forgiven me every one of my bad decisions.

Aunque hay un dicho que dice: cría cuervos y te sacarán los ojos; eso me deja ver claramente que tú resultaste ser ese traidor cuervo que no se conformó con sacarme los ojos; sino que me destrozaste por completo con tus garras las redes donde estaba envuelto mi pobre corazón.

Although there is a saying that says: raise crows and they will pluck out your eyes; that lets me see clearly that you turned out to be that treacherous crow that was not satisfied with plucking out my eyes; but you completely destroyed with your claws the nets where my poor heart was wrapped.

Cuando te conocí tú estabas disfrazado de palomo sumiso; pero tus palabras resultaron ser más hirientes que un puñal de doble filo, donde cada puñalada que me dabas me hacía ver que estaba totalmente indefensa.

When I met you you were disguised as a submissive pigeon; but your words turned out to be more hurtful than a double-edged dagger, where each stab you gave me made me see that I was totally defenseless.

Perdiendo de este modo toda esperanza que tenía guardada dentro de mi ser, porque con esa herida que dejaste en mi costado, resultó ser como una lanza tu ruin vileza.

Thus I lost all hope that I had kept within me, because with that wound that you left in my side, your vile vileness turned out to be like a spear.

Por haberte querido tanto, me toca ahora beberme todo este llanto que he derramado por ti, desde que me dejaste tan sola y si alguien te pregunta por mí cuéntale toda la verdad con lujos y detalles a ver si te dan la razón y así la gente no tardará en saber que eras un palomo larvado que me mataste lentamente con tu traición; porque solo eras el resultado de un vil cuervo que me engañó con su infinita ternura impía y brutal, pero que tarde o temprano la vida te lo cobrará.

For having loved you so much, it is now my turn to drink all the tears I have shed for you, since you left me so alone and if someone asks you about me, tell them the whole truth with luxuries and details to see if they give you the reason and so people will not take long to know that you were a larval pigeon who killed me slowly with your betrayal; because you were only the result of a vile crow who deceived me with his infinite impious and brutal tenderness, but sooner or later life will take its toll on you.

