Special 🌞 Sunday@ #New Month #New Day #New Down #New Thinking

in #take β€’ 2 years ago


"if the strengths and good points that I got, were my crimes, then tell me, how can I make amendments?.'🌞🌞🌞"

🌞🌞🌞 Sunday 🌞🌞🌞 MY post for this Sunday center8 directly to how many people can you pleased to help make to a better world.

First before I go on to say what I have on my mind at this moment, I like to give best greetings to all hivers and their communities. My greetings also is here extended to the curators. Once again I Happy workers day.


My sunday's posting is on the causes of FAILURE how they hold back the crown of success in our endeavor.

The greatest tragedy of life pursuit in both men and women who earnestly try, and fail, lies in the overwhelming majority of people who fail, as compared to the few who struggles to success. I have had the opportunity of analyzing several men and women, 99% of them were classed as "failures." There's something which is unpleasantly wrong with a Civilization, and a system of education, which enabled 99% of real strugglers to go through life as failures. But I for sure did not write this post for the purpose of moralizing on rights and wrongs of the world; that would require me to write whole lot that will course many readers to get tired of reading.

My analysis is to an extent try to proved several reasons for failures, and some major principles through which people accumulate fortunes. As you go over the post lines, you would also discover the causes-of-failure and success.

Discipline as I know can only come through self-control. This means that one must control negative qualities in him or her. It is true that before you can control conditions, you must first control self. Self-mastery is the hardest work one ever tackle. If you don't conquer self, you will be conquered by self.

There is but little, if any, that can be done for people who are both with a deficiency in the power of the brain. This philosophy offers one method of bridging this weakness through the aid of the Master Mind. Observe with great hope that this is one of the course of failures which may not be easily corrected by anybody.

In life, there is no hope for any person who does not have specific purpose that is central in the pursuit of life goal as desires. However, 99% of every πŸ’― of those find in this group of persons had no ideal aim.

There is no hope for the people who are so indifferent as not to want to get ahead in life, and who is not willing to pay a price.

This is a βœ‹ handicap which may be overcome with comparative ease. In a very strong prove experience has got that the best educated people are those that are known as "self-made," or self-educated. This take more than a college degree to make person of education. Any person that is not educated is the person who has learned to get whatever he wants in life and this is without necessarily violating the right of other people. Education is referred to as, not too much of knowledge, but it is of effective and continuous application of knowledge. Men and women are paid good earnings, not necessarily for what they know, but importantly for what THEY DO BY WHAT THEY KNOW.

Every human is unique but can hardly grow to attained success amis health challenges. Good health is good opportunity to success. In some cases, this ill health come as a result of mastery of self-control in the way one allowed for the followings:
βœ“Wrong habits of thoughts; dwelling on negative impressions
βœ“Lack of physical exercise
βœ“Over eating of 🌽 FOODS that is not healthy for the body system
βœ“And the last here sound funny but is a fact, that is, too much of having sex. (Hahahaha)

"As a bed is a bed is laid for a child, so he will sleep on it. Either good or bad, environment influences one's life when growing up. Most people with criminal cases today are not born criminal but the society changed their positive and well mannered attitude in them. And most of bad characters in person is always gotten from improper associating during childhood.

You will agree with me that majorities of starters actually began well but along the drive fall aa bad 'finishers of the good beginning. This is because most good beginners easily give up at slighted signs of defeat. There's no person who has made for himself PERSISTENCE as watchword that can fail easily. Any person who makes PERSISTENCE a guide, would have taken note of a failures. Failures as it may be, cannot stand with PERSISTENCE.

There will be very tough struggles for any person who put up negative personality. People will have no trust and will lost regards in the society. Success can greatly come through the application of POWER, and power is gotten through the cooperation of other people. So, if you are found of forming a picture of false personality, you will not get in return healthy cooperation.

Anybody that is referred to as a success, is one who has strong decisions power, and can change them at any given time if at all, but for the best. However, anyone who fail to reach decisions, or very slow in taking one, and effect changes at often are not good life managers.

Before I draw the curtain on this post, I will to appreciate us to read through the points I outlined here to reason and discover courses of both success and failures. I hope you will accommodate some errors made and help to get me corrected. I thank you for your patience and support. Till I come your way once again. Cheers