Weekly Psychic Forecast 14th - 19th December 2021

in #tarot3 years ago


Your Psychic Predictions for the Week Ahead

We are in a strange energy of uncertainty this week, and although that might seem disconcerting to some, as long as you are able to step away from the worrying mind and your ego brain, it will actually seem quite an easy going week on the work front.

Many of us are aware that we feel blocked or prevented from making plans at the moment. It's a moment for some brain space, and you may even be enjoying the quiet of your mind not having a lot to say for itself! If you find yourself short on ideas, I want to tell you not to worry.

We are still smack bang in the middle of void energy, of no-thingness and as a result we are not required to make clever plans or come up with schemes or systems at this moment in time.

There is a very mature and wise aspect of the soul that will come forward this week if you let it, and it can guide you to feel calm and safe no matter how your outer circumstances may appear. You may even be feeling strangely calm although you have no idea what is coming next in your life.

Be assured that this is not the calm before the storm, rather the quiet of unlimited potential before the new bursts forward. The precious, still moments before the birth of the new.

This is an auspicious time. We are able to make money or do whatever needs to be done, but there is no sense of any real urgency this week, so don't try to whip yourself up into an artificial frenzy, just because you are not comfortable with doing less than part of you thinks you perhaps "should."

There is a time for being busy, and it's not now. This is a week for rest, reflexion and staying calm and at ease. There will be plenty to do soon enough!

This week's angel message comes from card number 51 of the Angel Wings Oracle, Heart:

There are times to work, times to think and times to feel. This week you are invited to rest, meditate and spend time with your heart.

Learn about compassion and kindness and show loving kindness to yourself in new and sweet ways.

The collective heart chakras of the peoples of the earth have taken a beating these past two years, and need rest, gentleness and healing.

Send healing to your heart and to others in the world if that resonates for you.

The heart is the true centre of each one of us, and without compassion and kindness we would not be who and what we are. Never let hatred, jealousy or tribalism lead you astray, away from the kindness and openness of your heart.

It has much wisdom to share with you, but it is often disregarded in favour of the busy ego-mind that likes to think it knows best, and prefers to feel superior rather than show true kindness.