Weekly Psychic Forecast - 29th Nov - 5th December

in #tarot3 years ago

Your Psychic Predictions for the Week Ahead

This week has something of a subdued energy as we are advised to move forwards with caution and in a measured way. This week you may be lacking enthusiasm, or struggling with deeper, darker thoughts than usual. This is nothing to be concerned about, but I would encourage everyone to not shy away from the darker, shadow thoughts when they come up. They are great teachers that can help us to understand where we are wounded and needing of healing.

Despite the emotional tone, this is still a week where we can work towards our financial goals, and projects in development will still require our attention so we should not abandon them, no matter how dark things may seem. We are in the process of building a new world, a new economy and a new way of being, and it's important to keep that in mind. Follow-through is always the most difficult aspect of any creative process, but you are asked to dig in this week and keep going even if you don't feel much like working at all.

I'm also getting a strong message that justice will prevail, and this week the angels of justice are in play, working behind the scenes to bring fairness back to us all. The dark powers have gone too far, and many players in the public eye will have to pay the price soon, so watch out for people being deposed or suddenly disappearing from public view. Just bear in mind, that there is no hero coming to save you. You must still work on saving yourself, building for yourself and your family and community, and visioning the future that you want.

I've felt the presence of Archangel Michael frequently these past few weeks, and I'm aware that he has been working on our behalf to bring truth and justice back to the world. You may have noticed him in your meditation or spiritual practise, and that is not by accident. The helper souls of the world are being rallied now, and reminded that it is our job as a soul collective to raise the vibration of the world through our words, thoughts and actions. This work cannot be delegated or put off any longer.

Kindness and compassion will be needed this week, and I would remind everyone to try to show others compassion, even when it's easy or even fashionable not to. We do not change the world for the better by creating or facilitating division or cruelty. Do not fall into the trap of being polarised, this is a trick designed to keep us from remembering that we are all one, which is the ultimate truth that will bring the healing and unity we so badly need here on earth.

This week's angel message comes from card number 34 of the Angel Wings Oracle, Romance:

This period of time has been very rough on our heart chakras, the energy centre located over the physical heart. As I mentioned last year, forcing people to stay apart and not connect with other humans causes not only psychological harm but energetic harm to our heart chakra too.

The angels remind us that our hearts need attention, and we can help to facilitate this by finding joy, love and romance in our lives. It's also a reminder that the culture of hook-ups and superficial relationships is causing untold harm to our younger generations, but romance and true spiritual connection can return to us if we can learn to let it in.

Try to show some love and care to yourself this week, and focus on bringing in the colours green and pink to assist you. Either wearing clothing or jewellery of this colour, or holding crystals that are pink, green or both will make a big difference to your energy. Ruby in fuchsite will be very healing for anyone feeling emotionally drained or low right now.

Do not underestimate the positive effect that self care and self love will have on you and also your loved one or partner this week. The human heart is the centre of our wisdom and being, and the number of heart health problems that we see in the modern world is representative of how much our energetic hearts are truly struggling, and it doesn't have to be this way.


Do you need a message from the angels right now?

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