Tarto Tuesday June 16, 2020

in #tarottuesday4 years ago

It’s Tuesday! Today has been one of great enjoyment for my family and I. We enjoyed some time together throughout the day, as well as a really lovely dinner. I hope that this past week went well for you.

So here is today’s card pull I am using the Shadowscapes Deck by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law with text by Barbara Moore. I will be doing a three-card pull and only pulling more for clarification. If you like this deck you can get it for yourself. Just click on the picture below.

What does the Universe need me to share?


First Card is the Four of Pentacles:

Pentacles 4  Four of Pentacles.JPG

The dragon coils tightly around his hard-earned hoard. He has spent many human lifetimes gathering up such a vast treasure. No one shall touch it; no one shall steal it from him! "Mine!" he hisses up to his tiny cousins who come creeping up to see. The salamanders and lizards scurry away quickly lest he lash out at them in his possessive anger.

"My gold!" he declares. He knows the chameleons are watching with lustful eyes from above. He knows they are waiting for a moment of weakness to slip in and take. Even the light touch of wind feels like a thief stealthily attempting to creep up on him, and so he curls himself around himself, around and round and coiled tightly, tail to snout and endless coil. The salamanders scuttle off and leave him to himself. Burnished scales meld and become indistinguishable from the gold that he lies sprawled upon. Lovely, comfortable gleam, never tarnishing, never changing.

The Four of Pentacles embodies a possessive spirit, one who wants always to be in control. As a result, he lives within limitations, a cage of his own making, and is highly averse to any change. He is obstructive, in denial of his own weaknesses, chained by those very weaknesses. He is a miserly and miserable being who is financially well off but with a spirit that has been locked down by that preoccupation with his material state. Letting go of that selfishness might bring more happiness than that hoard has done thus far.

Second Card is the Justice:

MA  XI Justice.JPG

To the Egyptian, when death claimed a soul, one was brought to be judged by the goddess Ma'at. She weighed the soul on her scales against a feather, and if found wanting, that soul was sent to the underworld.

There are those who say Justice is blind, but that is not so. Her eyes blaze white, not with blindness but with the pure white of truth. She sees through mere flesh, peeling aside the layers of emotion, dissemination, illusion, and perception, and into the heart, where the unfettered awareness resides. There is no hiding. She stands for karma. The souls gathered in the butterflies hover near, and she bears the feather close to her heart, like a sword.

She judges not with her own bias or with grays of maybes, but in terms of stark black and white. Things are as they are — fair, impartial, and right. And there is a balance that is achieved when true justice has been meted out, an evening-out of what was not settled correctly.

Balance, harmony, equilibrium, assuming responsibility, weighing all sides of an issue before making a decision, choosing with full awareness. Justice relies on a logical mind, capable of objective ruling on situations and adjusting what needs reassessment. Meditation on right, morality, and duty, and perhaps compromise must be made in order to truly even both sides of a situation. Admit and acknowledge the truth. Comprehend the results of your actions and the connections they have to everything around, and from that, set a course for the future.

Third Card is the Queen of Swords:

Swords 13  Queen of Swords.JPG

With her blade, the Queen of Swords slices through lies and deceptions to the heart of truth. She is honesty and inner knowledge, sending forth her winged seekers into the world. They are an extension of her being and her soul. What they see, they send thrumming back to her along the invisible lines that connect them through the ether. They know the language of souls, for they have passed through a metamorphosis that is not sleep and is not death.

The blinding white is the color of purity, honesty, clarity, and uncompromising balance, but also of distance and sometimes death, for sometimes to get to truth one must cast off the old to slough off pretense and guile. Discard the past, leave the cocooning shells, and delve deep within to seek the true face to wear and show the world.

The Queen of Swords is an intelligent woman, loyal, witty, and humorous in her forthright way. She is valued for her accurate perceptions of the world around her and for her experiences. She has gazed within and knows that when she turns her eyes to a mirror, the reflection is exactly what it should be, and the light that shines within her soul blazes bright in the glass.

In the language of flowers, purple dragon lilies are symbols of inner strength, and white chrysanthemums, truth.

I pulled a Forth Card for clarification it was the Ten of Cups:

Cups 10  Ten of Cups.JPG

The water swirls around the two of them. The wavetops have been kissed by the sun, and the waters are warm and inviting. They drift in that fluid embrace, buoyed by a lightness that flares in their hearts. Like twin mini-suns, caught in each other's gravity, they orbit around each other. The world outside ceases to exist with this attainment of heart's desire. They want for nothing. They need no others to make this moment complete, but there is a union nevertheless between the two of them and all the surrounding living creatures.

The school of fish sends a maelstrom of bubbles to froth in a dizzy swirl around their entangled limbs. Their joy radiates outward in a luminous shelter of protection. Fish are symbols of plenty and prosperity. They slice through the azure depths, and their scales sparkle like glimmers of living gold. This moment of bliss, of seemingly eternal and final contentment, is real, but it must be nurtured and nourished, else it can easily slip back away into the depths of the ocean, like a scattered school of fish.

The Ten of Cups is the final attainment of serenity and peace. Success and happiness have been granted at last—an all—encompassing emotional contentment, not just a physical or material pleasure. Family support and bonds are important to being able to enjoy the blessings of life.

So many are trying have been hoarding and holding very tightly to what they believe is theirs. Not to say that they are not right in protecting the things that are yours but remember that things are fleeting. The next two cards are about truth. I feel that right now we need that more than anything. Things are not all roses and chocolate. There are so many things that we are all still trying to wrap our heads around. The only thing that we can do right now is to find the truth for ourselves. We can balance all the information and judge for ourselves. We have to stop looking at how to get back to were we were because that place is gone, and it will be okay. It is time to come into our own and speak up. Share what we know and help those that need it. We need to help in healing the pain that is outside our door. To give support and love to those around us. There is someone out there that needs you right now, be there for them. Even if it is only a call. Reaching can make all the difference. We need to find our success and I feel like the best way to get there is together.

For myself, I know that I am the first person who hates to let things go. I hold tight to almost everything, including my own emotions. Most of the time I do not like to look at things in black and white, for I was taught that there are two sides to every story. Which I still hold as being a truth. That being said it can still be hard at times, especially lately not to look at things more black and white. So I look for the truth behind the lies that I read and see. Cutting through the garbage that I don’t need and see what is really there. I know when it all is said and done that things will be better on the other side of all of this. There is no reason for me to feel this way and yet over and over I see things moving that way.

Are you holding on too tight? Do you test your scales like Ma’at? Is the truth something that you are looking for? Have you found your peace?

I hope that this reading has been helpful to you all. Please let me know if it has impacted you in any way. I’d love to hear from you. I am doing personal Astrology, Divination, Card, and Astro Dice Readings for a fee. If you would like to have one please email me at [email protected].

While doing this reading I am was listening to Spotify playlist tarot reading music. You can find me on Spotify under amrauthor. I hope you enjoy the music.

May your stars shine brightly upon you.

The image of the actual card is one that I took of my own deck of cards.