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RE: Tarot Tuesday Rune-Tarot Reading For July 3-10, 2018 - Stagnation Allows Us to Let Go and Move On

in #tarottuesday6 years ago (edited)

This is amazing. Its an amazing analysis describing my situation with whatshisface.

Upvoted, resteemed, and... gonna tip you some STEEM Power for this. Quite amazing analysis of my situation.

Also, edited this in for my weekly Tarot Tuesday letter:


I am so glad it resonated! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your kind words, resteem, and the tip!

It is my very fist STEEM tip. I want to commemorate it in the comment section of this magical post:

Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at 9.16.16 AM.png

I now want to make use of the STEEM economy.

Many blessings to you - muchas gracias!