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RE: Cryptocurrencies will make Central Banks Ineffective- A true Confession of Ex-Trump Chief Strategist Bannon

in #tax6 years ago

As usual, a good post indeed. For me there is no way crypto gonna be left alone by govt if they don't get a chunk of the booty. Best is make it semi decentralized in some countries and any location that gives total authonomy should expect more investors. Nice one. Upped


Good point. But doesn't this defeat the real characteristics of how a decentralized business is to be?

ur post was at $14.96 so i just had to push it up to $15, I couldn't resist , it was satisfying to see it ht $15.01

Thanks for the comment, I am lookin through your blogs an I see you are posting about crypto a lot and yeah that's always safe bet, but I need more stuff from reddit and less crypto, maybe but I just wantmroe reddit stuff also from I want to see the sort of 'what you mised on reddit" type posts that I used to make where I show what people msised on reddit that dy an give STEM alt he best content of the day

so if you made pots like that I could would cosider followng, I just need more "What you missed on reddit" type posts that compile all the top[ 10 or 15 posts form a Popular Subreddit (Pics work bets or r/videos) and then mkes posts on steem so we don't mis out or have to visit r/bitcoin

Thank again for the nice comment on my recet post!