Tax rise freaks out Captain Hindsite

in #tax3 years ago

Talk of possible tax raises freaks people out. Why? First you demanded the government lock you up in your home for 18 months because you’re scared. Then they paid you, almost, in full to remain prisoner. Why are you surprised and angry at the prospect of having to pay it all back? I get tired of calling things before it happens. I am no psychic, it’s just called fore site. Everyone out here is version of Captain Hindsite, stood there looking goofy and gob-smacked over the blatantly obvious outcome. All this because you only serve fear, because you need someone to keep you ‘safe’. The price of true freedom is responsibility, this is what you get when you reject it. You can mock so-called anti-vaxxers who end up getting very sick, begging for the vaccine on their death bed. Well, it’s your turn to be mocked for crying about something that was always going to happen. Don’t come whining to those who told you so. Lie in your bed and enjoy the filth. The taxes will rise again, as expected. Your’s sincerely, Commander Foresite.