20 Proofs NASA Faked the Moon Landings

in #tdv3 years ago

20 Proofs NASA Faked the Moon Landings

Between 1969-1972 NASA, the American National Aeronautics and Space Administration, allegedly flew 6 successful manned missions to the Moon where they did everything from playing golf, to speeding around in a dune buggy, to receiving a live phone call From President Nixon. In reality, when examined in-depth with a critical eye however, these staged events are found to be nothing but a monumental hoax perpetrated upon a gullible and unsuspecting public.

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Check out today’s video..!


As a teacher it's amazing how many fellow educators still believe the fairy tale of us travelling to the moon. I start with the Van Allen Belts and then show the 2012 NASA Orion video. I've showed this to my grade 5 students and they realized very quickly that they were lying to us. Shows that kids are still open minded enough unlike their teachers. LOL!

Hope you are a physical education teacher

Have you noticed the size of the moon buggy??? Practically the same size as the lunar lander itself. So how was it possible to take this buggy with them????? Or had Amazon delivered it before they arrived themselves????

Their answer is that it folded up. However it's still a lot of extra weight. How come that technology is not available to the public to buy, fold up and take camping with you?

Regarding the lander, if you want a good laugh, check this one out:

why are you support Flat Earthers on your site?

I too do not believe anymore that we live on a spinning ball, surrounded by evermore spinning balls. Just like the jet fuel hoax, the nuclear bombs we are supposed to fear and hundreds of pyramids being built by slaves, I just want to learn the truth. Where did we come from and why are we here? What exactly is this place we inhabit right now.

What about all the jaw dropping architecture that was made pre power tools in timeframes that we couldn't do with power tools today. Look into the world fairs, Tartaria dang shit gets me excited

Great point!

Yes, those world fairs, Tartarians, orphan trains, mudflood... TONS of rabbit holes we need to research.

Awhile back, I had seen somewhere some talk about SASER's. Like a light-based laser, these tools were using high frequency sound (SASER vs LASER) to cut right through marble, granite, you name it. Megaliths could have been freeformed with some form of plasma ("melting" the stone) so that it could be easily shaped and molded.

Looking at the stones at Machu Picchu, it becomes clear that no amount of humans could have done that with just "primitive" tools as they teach us. Our ancestors clearly had technology that has been hidden from us today, and/or destroyed.

It's all about control. Our minds, energy, money, food..

Some of the stones are so intricately carved too, it really is jaw dropping indeed:

LOL, exactly ;)

As for the weapons, yeah those fasces are everywhere. The fasces weapon (i enjoyed reading about the power of those things, plus crystals, and the new directed energy weapons (DEW) that have literally pulverized buildings and burned entire neighborhoods with laser precision are very interesting, and scary af at the same time), is no joke.

Look behind the puppet and you will see 2 of them:

WOW the details are flawless sure it was made with a stick and a rock 🤣

Also I agree likely some huge energy weapons. gotta remember everything is made up of energy, frequency, and vibration (Nikola Tesla)

I have another theory about these "carvings" too btw. I think they have the power to turn things to stone. Actually, petrifying does not take as long as what people were taught. Petrification is a whole other rabbit hole..

Notice the wings on the cherubs and adults? Ever wonder what purpose our shoulder blades actually used to serve? Ever wonder why there are so many sculptures, carvings and drawings of mermaids? Why do men have nipples?

Yeah, I think we are already genetically modified organisms (gmo), and these covid "vaccines" are not vaccinations at all. They are trying to genetically modify everyone once again.

I, however, still believe that "we live on a spinning ball, surrounded by evermore spinning balls"
What's more. My experience tells me that even if we knew the whole truth, it would be very hard for us to believe it. So we will always move to some degree in guesswork and half-truths. And that will never change.


Landing videos were made just in case.
There are traces of human landing on the moon that can be observed with an ordinary telescope.
There is also a mirror on the moon that constantly reflects the laser and measures the distance from the ground.

There is a lot of interesting stuff, but flat earth was a prank/joke.
Two friends made a bet with each other. One was to prove that he would be able to convince people that the earth is flat in the 20th / 21st century and he did it ^^

"even if we knew the whole truth, it would be very hard for us to believe it." - I agree 100%.

It took me over a year to really come to terms with the flat plane that we live on, water always seeking its level, stars spinning perfectly over the north pole, yet the earth supposedly wobbles too at some 20+%, etc.

The flatness is easily provable though. My favorite video is the one on dollarvigilante.tv called "200 proofs". I'm not trying to turn anyone into a crazy flat earther though, but it would be awesome if you could watch that 1 video to the end and really examine the points that he makes in that video.

As to what is really over our heads and what we see in the night sky, that for sure is nearly impossible to prove right now, and all we can do is speculate. I think that we live in a closed system actually, a living, breathing clock of sorts. Sounds crazy right now, I know, but the more I looked into it that is the conclusion that I have come to, not a single conclusion from one single video that I have watched or anything either. I am piecing all this together myself.

As for distance to the sun and moon, that is easily provable with a sextant. iirc, I think they are roughly 3000 miles up, they're the same size more or less, and are about 30 miles across. Even Buzz Aldrin said recently that "we didn't go there" (moon). What is the moon? Hell if I know, probably some kind of plasma disc or hologram. Heat tests have shown without a doubt too that the moon actually produces its own cool, septic light. The antithesis of what the sun produces. (see yin yang)

Please watch that "200 proofs" video. There are others, but that one really demonstrates (and gives you tasks that you can perform for yourself) much of it.

The laser tests across the great salt flats and atlantic ocean for example... If the earth curves at 8 inches per mile squared like NASA says, then it should be impossible to see the laser across those flat surfaces more that a few miles away, yet there it is.

With flir systems, we can see mountain ranges thousands of miles away. That should not be possible either if we lived on a ball that curves 8 inches per mile squared.

When the sun disappears each day, I can take a zoom lens and bring it right back up into view. Same with a boat that "disappears over the curve". Just grab my zoom lens again and bring it right back into view, hull and all.

I know what you're thinking man, I sound like a whack job. It took me awhile to really say to myself "no f*ckin way man!". We have been lied to about damn near everything.

Please enable subtitles, then automatically translate them into Polish, then fasten your seat belts and enjoy your journey.
I don't know how good this translation will turn out to be, but I believe it will be enough.
One more thing and perhaps the most important thing.
"It’s Easier to Fool People Than to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled"


I wish I could find that video about sundials. It was not included in the "200 proofs" video, but that 1 proof alone pretty much says it all. The sun, moon and stars go around and around over our heads, no tilt, no wobbling. Essentially, we live on one huge, breathing timepiece.

200 Proofs that noone can disprove about the nature of this realm:

I don't want to sound arrogant but if your not on-board yet you simply haven't done enough research. I Imagine Jeff from The Dollar Vigilante is why your on this website and if you look at the beginning of all his videos where he tell s you the location he has a flat earth map right there in the corner.(For the last year and a half anyway) The same map that you can see on the UN, WHO, IMO, and ICAO Logos. Sure its anecdotal but the 4 biggest international NGOs (non-government organizations) have a flat earth map in there logo. we know about all the other black magic enslavement. why is this so far fetched???