Happy Birthday Little Matthew

Happy birthday to my little one and congratulate being in the official dinosaur research team...(ahem.. Kasi ya sija, merajuk nanti) lol


Sorry that daddy and mummy can't be with you back in kk to celebrate your birthday today. If only there is no quarantine, we would fly back and forth to celebrate your birthday and back to tawau to take care of your grandma.

So here is a life lesson son, not everything in life can go our way, regardless how much planning put into it.

But I want you to know that we will always find our way to come home to you. Time fixes it all.

We will be much closer next week but just a little distance away. it's just that it's another two weeks quarantine. But we will celebrate your birthday when we are back, in a distance but at least were together again then.

We love you son. Super duper big hugs and kisses,

Mum and Dad